Stanford University

CS276A / LING 239I
Text Retrieval and Mining
Autumn 2004

Meeting Times and Locations

Lecture: 3 units, TuTh 4:15-5:30 in Gates B01
Review sessions: One for each assignment (see the syllabus), F 3:15-4:05 in Gates B01

Staff Contact Information

Newsgroup: Rather than sending emails, students should post most questions to the course newsgroup, su.class.cs276a.

Email: If you have a question not appropriate for the newsgroup (e.g., one that is only relevant to your situation or one that reveals part of your solution to a homework question), please email the staff mailing list at

Professor: Christopher Manning
Office: Gates 158
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-4, Wednesday 3-4

Professor: Prabhakar Raghavan
Office: none on campus
Office Hours: by appointment

TA: Louis Eisenberg
Office: Gates B26B (during office hours only)
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-3, Friday 1:30-3
Phone: 650-736-1817 (during office hours only)

TA: Daniel Gindikin
Office: Gates B24B (during office hours only)
Office Hours: Monday 1-2, Thursday 3-4
Note: no office hours on Nov 4, instead we'll hold extra office hours on Wed, Nov 17 1-2 in Gates B24A
Phone: 650-736-1816 (during office hours only)

Course admin: Sarah Weden
Office: Gates 419

Tentative Grading Policy:

Problem sets (2)


Practical exercises (2)






Tentative Assignment/Exam Schedule:

In addition to the midterm and final, we will assign two written problem sets and two programming-based practical exercises. Refer to the right-most column of the syllabus for the scheduled dates.

Assignment Policies:

Honor Code:

All actual, detailed work on the solution of problem sets must be individual work. You are encouraged to discuss problem sets with each other in a general way, but if you do so, then you must acknowledge the people with whom you discussed the problem set at the top of your submission.

You should not look for problem answers elsewhere; but again, if material is taken from elsewhere, then you should acknowledge it. For practical exercises, you are not permitted to get programming help from people other than your partner. Normally, you are permitted to use pre-existing code, but you must acknowledge code that you have taken from other sources. In general, we will act and expect you to act according to the Stanford Honor Code.

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Last modified: September 27, 2004