Assignment 4: Blog Post and Final Presentation

Presentations: May 30 and June 4, in class Report Due: Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 6:30PM

You've spent the past 7 weeks striving to replicate a result from a prior publication. Now it's time to report on your results and share them!

1 Presentation

Your group will give a 10 minute presentation in class. We'll randomly assign groups to the 2 class meetings. If you want to swap days, you'll need to find a group to swap with. To swap, a member from each group should email the staff list about the swap.

You should expect that a good part of your 10 minutes is questions and discussion. So you should plan on presenting for 5-6 minutes. You can structure your presentation in any way you want. It should provide the following information (recall that most people in the class know nothing about your project!):

5 minutes is not much time: you should keep the number of slides small. And practice! Since it only takes 5 minutes, the improvement you'll see in your presentation from practice, given how important this is to your grade, is absolutely time well spent. Time yourself.

For example, one structure might be:

2 Final Report (blog post)

Your final report is a blog post on Reproducing Networking Research. Read a few prior posts and find some that you think are good work you'd like to emulate; you can use their structure as a starting point for your own post. It should be in the format of posts from 2012 or 2013, such as these

Your report should include:

3 Handing In

Please send an email to, with the subject “Team <NAME> Slides”, attaching your slides as a PDF. Send this by the time when your blog post is due.

To create a blog post, follow the instructions on the site; your CAs are the contact for creating an account.