CS242 Collaboration Policy

General Philosophy

We are confident that all of you have come to Stanford planning to respect and uphold the Honor Code. In order to support you in that effort, we would like to define what is and what isn't considered acceptable collabration, so there is no ambiguity. The general premise of our policy is that your submissions must be your own independent and original work. You should not give or receive any aid which makes the assigned tasks significantly easier. We do allow for discussion and help among students, but expect you to document any significant help that you received. On our part, we will treat you with trust and will protect the honorable student's interests by investigating and prosecuting dishorable behavior.

Collaboration on Coding Projects

Things that are always allowed

These things are encouraged and allowed at all times for all students.

Collaboration that is allowed if documented

Two students engaging in a more detailed discussion of specifics can cross into the area of collaboration that is acceptable only if documented. We require that you include the name of those whom you received specific assistance from and properly credit their contribution, as you would cite a reference in a research paper. Some examples:

Collaboration that is NOT allowed