Lab 1: χλωρός

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In this lab, you will write a cooperative user-level threads library, chloros (a Greek word meaning "green"). You will be programming in C and x86-64 assembly on the myth cluster. If you're not familiar with myth cluster, see Stanford's Shared Computing Environment.

User-level threads are similar to the type of threads you might be familiar with, OS threads, but are implemented entirely in user-level code. They are typically speedier than OS threads since there is no context switching into/out of the kernel. Cooperative user-level threads are user-level threads that release control to the scheduler deliberately, usually through a thread_yield() call. That is, they execute for as long as they want.

A user of the thread library would calls thread_spawn(fn, arg) to create a new thread that executes fn with arg. The user calls thread_yield() inside a thread to yield execution to another thread, including the initial one. Finally, the user might call thread_wait() to wait for all of the spawned threads to finish executing before ending the process.

A full program using your library might look like this:

#include "chloros.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void worker(void* arg) {
    int num = *((int*) arg);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        printf("hello from worker %d\n", num);


int main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        int* num = malloc(sizeof(int));
        *num = i;
        thread_spawn(&worker, num);


    return 0;

Phase 0: Getting Started

First, ensure that you are working on the lab using a machine meeting the following requirements:

If you don't have a machine that meets these requirements, you can work on the lab through

Skeleton code

You can download the skeleton code from the course website.

The following files make up the codebase:

Build targets

This project's Makefile has the following targets:

Run make with SAN=1 to enable the sanitizers. Your code should pass the tests with sanitizers enabled.

Phase 1: allocating threads

In phase 1 you will implement the thread_new function. See the FIXME comment for details. This should allocate a new thread and stack and set it up to execute fn(arg). Remember that the stack pointer must be 16-byte aligned. This is important. Make sure all stacks are unique (do not reuse the same stack for multiple threads). You should also assign unique IDs for threads (useful for debugging).

Phase 2: context switching

In phase 2 you will implement the ctxswitch function in swtch.S.

The ctxswitch function will be called on behalf of a user-level thread during its execution to context switch from one thread to another. For a context switch to be successful, all state of the currently executing thread must be saved in some structure and the state of the thread being switched into must be restored. A thread's execution state is also referred to as its context.

A thread's context is already defined in the struct context structure. All of these registers are known as callee saved, which means that the callee of a function guarantees that those registers will have the same value when the function returns as they did when the function was called. In other words, a function A calling another function B can expect those registers to contain the same values after function B returns as they had when function B was called because the callee (B) saves and restore those values. These registers are defined this way by the System V X64 ABI calling convention, which is followed on most Unix systems running on 64-bit machines. You can read more at the ABI reference link.

Apart from these registers, a thread's full context also includes the values in its stack. Saving and restoring a thread's stack on each context switch would be a very expensive operation, so instead of doing this, we simply give each thread its own unique stack. Then, as long as each thread's stack pointer points to its own unique stack, saving and restoring the stack pointer suffices to save and restore the thread's stack.

You're ready to implement the context switching assembly function in swtch.S. You can find the function's specification above its definition. Keep in mind that according to the calling convention, the first two parameters to a function are passed in the %rdi and %rsi registers. Also note that GCC calls the GNU Assembler implicitly, which uses the GAS syntax for assembly. You may wish to consult the calling convention in the ABI reference or the X86 instruction reference.

This phase is not meant to grill your knowledge of assembly. You can implement the necessary additions to ctxswitch using only two different assembly instructions: movq and ret.

Phase 3: yield and spawn

In phase 3 you will implement thread_init, schedule, thread_yield, and thread_spawn. See the FIXME comments for details.

thread_init should set up a scheduler thread to run the schedule function and should register the current execution context as a thread (no need to allocate a stack for it though).

schedule should do round robin scheduling, where it pops the next thread off the front of run queue, runs it (by context switching to it), and then either pushes it onto the back of the run queue, or destroys it if it exited.

thread_yield should switch to the scheduler if there are threads to run. Otherwise it should return false.

thread_spawn should create a new thread that executes fn(arg) and immediately switch to it.

Once you implement these functions, you should make sure your implementation passes the test in test1. You may also want to experiment by using the example program. We also recommend writing some tests of your own. We may release additional tests, or may use additional tests for grading.


Once you've completed the tasks above, you're done and ready to submit. Ensure that your lab and tests run as you expect them to on We will grade your lab on the myth machines.

Don't forget to test your code with the sanitizers!

Run make submit and proceed to Gradescope to upload your submission.

Extra credit

For extra credit, you can adapt your library to have some additional bells and whistles:

If you do extra credit, write up a short report about what you did in extra_credit.txt and a small test case.