Criteria for Homework 2
Steps Used for Testing
- Look at
- Run MagicThread
- Run ThreadBank with on saga (to test threading better)
- Run ThreadBank 5 times with (to test threading better)
- Look at ThreadBank source
Part a (10 points)
The solution was to move the call to new StringBuffer() before starting
the threads. Look at the source code and check if the problem has been
solved. -2
Check part ii by looking at the source code. The solution was to put Thread.yield()
near or inside the while loop. -2
Check part iii by looking at the source code.-2
Check part iv by looking at the source code. See if they have removed the
call to new from the synchronized block (the String "+" operator
essentially calls new since it creates temp Strings) -2. See if they are
doing the concatenation of the strings outside the synchronized block -2.
Should use a regular array to hold string, not Vector or ArrayList. An
array is guaranteed to be efficient, it's uncertain if ArrayList has to
call new -1. Should use StringBuffer instead of String -1. It is not
thread safe to concat multiple times to the answer StringBuffer - correct
solution used another temporary StringBuffer. While it's true that the
StringBuffer is thread safe, this does not mean that multiple calls to
append necessarily happen without getting interrupted between calls -3.
Perfect: 10
Each Problem: -2
Part b Thread Bank (45 points)
1) Output (run on sagas). (10) We test for two cases (a) 6k with output
changed so that every account get either 999 or 1001. (b) One run on the
100k file. If you didn't print out any output at all, you got nothing.
(a) is worth 5 points if perfect, 0 otherwise
(b) is worth 5 points if perfect, 0 otherwise
If the implementation is serialized so that it's not really running
in parallel, then the correct output is only worth 2 in each case instead
of 5. We'll ignore little changes in the output, such as reversing the
order of the two fields or incuding too much debugging output.
(The order here is written top-down which is what I suspect is the easiest
order to look at their code)
2) Thread Launcher / Processor (35)
-Should create, add, run, and remove transaction in a correct and thread
safe way (20)
Should notify/wait properly for add ... this should be waiting in a while
loop, the problem manifested is deadlock and hanging
The wait() in add should be at the right place. -4
The notify() in add should be at the right place -4. We do not take off
for too much notify().
Should aquire/run/release properly. Unnescessary notify -2 per instance.
There should be a wait() in the acquire. -4
There should be a notify() in release. -4. If the call to notify() is not
in release but at the end of run, then -2.
The transaction objects should be reused. There shouldn't be calls to new
all the time. -4
-Should correctly make the change on both accounts.
Should hold both the locks -4
Should hold the locks in the right order -2. Note that's it's not enough
to acquire the "from" lock before the "to" lock, as the following two
transactions done at the right time would cause deadlock:
- From:1 To:2 Amount:100
- From:2 To:1 Amount:100
Should do the transaction. -2
-Should handle the creation of new accounts in accordance with the constraints
in the handout...these problems would manifest in slightly deviating results,
that weren't always reproducible (10)
Check without the lock [2]
Acquire the single "writelock" [3]. Make sure that the writelock is single
and not an instance variable of the worker thread.
Create the account, after checking that still needs to be created [2]
Serialization special case: suppose the code is written so that it actually
runs serially. (a) Take off 10 points in the section which introduces the
incorrect serialization. (b) grade the other sections for their correctness
assuming the code really was being used in parallel. If they are correct,
then they still get the points. (c) Running serialized means they don't
get most of the ouput points.
Part c: Thread Web (45 points)
Testing Drill
First we run it in a couple obvious ways to see that it parallelizes
and interrupts properly. (25)
Run with 4 threads -- hitting the stop button should cause the number of
threads to drop pretty quickly
Run with 1 threads -- it should run a lot slower. Interrupt should still
Can download content for a URL and compute and display the length = 5
Does the throttling and parallelism properly so the 4x case is much faster
than the 1x case = 5
Does the interrupt behavior properly so that the stop button pretty much
halts things = 5
The interface should be updated properly -- the buttons, labels, and progress
bar need to be updated through the various phases of the download.
The number of threads displayed should never be more than 4 during concurrent
fetch and never more than 1 during single fetch (to check throttling).
The start button should be enabled only when all the threads have completed
download or after pressing stop -5
Any other problem in the updation of the progress bar, labels -5
Cap the deductions for the interface to -10.
Source Code (20)
Things to check in the source (this listing is bottom-up, it may be
easier to tour the source in the opposite order). It is possible to lose
points both in output and source code for the same problem. However, within
the source code, you can only lose points for an area once. So for example,
if isInterrupted() checking is wrong or deficient, the program loses the
points for that once, even though it is spread across several methods.
-2 is generally for something minor. -5 corresponds to a single but significant
thing not being right.