Home Lectures Assignments Showcase

Assignments and Grading

Release Date Due Date Assignment
9/24 9/30 HW1: Blender Setup
10/1 10/7 HW2: Triangles & Transformations
10/8 10/14 HW3: Ray Tracing
10/15 10/21 HW4: Lighting & Shading
10/22 10/28 HW5: Global Illumination
10/29 11/4 HW6: Advanced Rendering
(10/1) 11/11 Final Project Proposal
11/12 11/18 HW7: Geometric Modeling
11/19 12/2 HW8: Texturing
(10/1) 12/12 Final Project

Hardware and Software

You are encouraged to do class assignments on your personal computer.

Computers should contain a modern graphics card with at least 2 GB of free disk space to download and run Blender. Blender is readily available on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms, and the starter code has been tested on all of these platforms.