
Meet Collabrio, a tool designed
to kickstart collaborative journeys

Turning connections into collaborators


Collabrio is a tool designed to turn connections into collaborators. Projects often require a wide range of skillsets to come together, and the process for finding the right people to work with can be time-consuming and intricate. Collabrio helps by leveraging your already existing network to find collaborators with the necessary skills and interests for mutually meaningful projects.

Concept Video

We created a concept video in order to showcase the usecase of our idea through demonstrations of three user task flows.


Low Fidelity

Low Fidelity

We drew sketches of our project, to test our initial core UI ideas, from which we created and tested a paper prototype for our initial UI

Medium Fidelity

Medium Fidelity

We built a prototype of our project on Figma, through which users could interact with digitally to test our more refined UI

High Fidelity

High Fidelity

We engineered a high fidelity mobile app for users to directly interact with key functions


Stage Materials
Needfinding Slides PDFSlides PPTX
POVs & Experience Prototypes Slides PDFSlides PPTX
Concept Video Video YouTubeVideo MP4Slides PDFSlides PPTX
Low-Fidelity Prototype Slides PDFSlides PPTX
Medium-Fidelity Prototype Prototype LinkPrototype READMESlides PDFSlides PPTX
High-Fidelity Prototype Prototype LinkPrototype READMESlides PDFSlides PPTX
Heuristic Evaluation Heuristics PDFHeuristics DOCX
Poster & Pitch Slide Poster PDFPoster SourcePitch Script PDFPitch Slide PDFPitch Slide PPT
Demo Video Video YouTubeVideo MP4
Final Report Final Report PDFFinal Report DOCX

Meet the Team

Team Member 1

Alexander B

Software Engineer

Team Member 2

Armita H

Software Engineer

Team Member 3

Cate C

Software Engineer

Team Member 4

Manas K

Software Engineer