Saturday, Oct 23:
Congratulations to everyone for making it to the 50% mark! I know you're all overworked and feeling mid-quarter stress, but it's clear to me
that you're all doing great work in CS110. Keep fighting the good fight and you will prevail!!
- The course staff committed to some marathon grading sessions on Thursday and Friday to read through and grade all of the assessments. They finished late last night, and I published scores this morning. Head over to Gradescope to review your assessment and see how you did.
- Assignment 4 is due this coming Thursday night, and your second assessment will go live on Friday by 5pm. Once again, you can take any three-hour stretch of time you'd like to take the assessment (open book, open notes, open Internet, etc). Remember that I've extended the assessment window from 72 to 96 hours, so you have until the following Tuesday at 5:00pm to begin.
- Confused about mutexes and how to think about them? You might enjoy reading the top answer to this question on StackOverflow.
- Most amusing response on Assessment 1? This response to Question 1: The idea of subdirectories is just sorta like, a myth we make up, in terms of how they are stored on the computer, sub directories don’t exist, and when u edit something like an inode it doesn’t conform to this fiction we have created, this abstraction, cause we added it below the abstraction layer.