Saturday, Oct 16:
We'll be releasing most Assignment 2 grade reports over the course of today, and we'll code review the late submissions tomorrow and release them by tomorrow evening. Unsurprisingly, virtually everyone did really, really nice work. I've gone ahead and posted an Assignment 2 Redux handout that outlines the most commong design and implementation errors I've seen over the years.
- I'm around on Monday afternoon, so I'll have extra office hours from 1:30 until 5:30 in my Durand 319 office. I'll still hold my Wednesday hours as usual, but I figured Monday hours would be better given Tuesday evening's assign3 deadline.
- Assessment 2 just under two weeks away, but I already know that I'm going to widen the window from 72 to 96 hours. The assessment will go live at 5pm on the 29th, and the three-hour assessment will need to be completed by Tuesday (not Monday) at 8:00p.m. I don't want my exam to crush your Halloween spirit, and Assignment 5 doesn't go out until that Tuesday anyway.