Teaching Team
We have released grades for the second quiz on Gradescope. Solutions as well as statistics about the exam can be found on the Quiz 2 Solutions handout.
We are so sorry for the troubles submitting quiz 2. We are still not sure what caused the uploading trouble, but we have a workaround for now. Please follow the instructions below.
python3 move_quiz_to_desktop.py
(use py instead of python3 on windows)
The second quiz is scheduled to take place on August 9th between 1:30 p.m and 2:40 p.m PT.
Once it is time for you to start the quiz, you will click the button below which will provide you with the file to download as well as an exam code for you to use to load the quiz on BlueBook. All students can use this link, even if you have arranged for an alternate duration, time, or platform for the diagnostic. You must be enrolled in the class to access the diagnostic.
Starting at 8am PT please only post questions privately on Ed. If you have a question about the problem statement or about logistics during the diagnostic you may post privately on Ed. Please refrain from posting anything about thequiz on Ed until we release solutions
Unless you have arranged with Tara for an alternate sitting, you must begin the quiz at 1:30pm and must submit 70 minutes after that, with a short grace period during which you can submit.
You will have 70 minutes to complete the quiz. We recommend pulling up any solutions you want to consider before clicking the button below. You can consult lecture notes, your notes, practice problems, section problems, and the internet. You cannot collaborate or discuss with anyone while taking this quiz. Even though you have Pycharm to test your code, you cannot copy or paste into or out of BlueBook. So, it is a better strategy to write down all of your main ideas in BlueBook rather than spending any time testing in Pycharm. You can make BlueBook into a smaller window by hitting escape or the double arrows in the top right of the screen (top left if you are on mac). You can ignore any warnings from BlueBook about needing to turn off your wifi.
If you run into any issues with BlueBook during the exam, check out this handout.
One of our awesome section leaders, Tori, is holding a review session on Saturday, August 7th at 2pm PT. Zoom Link.
Checkout the recording of the reivew session.
Checkout the slides from the review session.
The second quiz is scheduled to take place on August 9th between 1:30 p.m and 2:30 p.m PT. If you have a conflict, please email Tara to schedule an alternate exam time. It will be administered digitally; instructions to set up BlueBook, our digital assessment platform, are posted here. Quiz #2 will be 70 minutes. Checkout the Quiz 2 Review handout for practice.
We have released HW 6. This is a bit of a longer assignment, so we suggest that you start early. We have also posted a guided extension handout which shows some extensions you can do on the assignment for extra credit or that you can submit for the contest. You can check out the homework here. HW 6 is due Tuesday, August 3rd at 11:55pm PT
We have changed the date of quiz 2. Quiz 2 will now take place on Monday, August 9th starting at 1:30pm PT. Please reach out to Tara if you need to find an alternative time to take the quiz.
One of the joys of programming is the ability to make something totally of your own creation. In CS106A this quarter we are hosting a Contest where you can program anything you like using the concepts and tools we learn in class. See the contest handout for more details.
We have released all parts of assignment 5. The assignment is due due Tuesday, July 27th. Check out part a. Use what we learned in class to make some cool drawings with Python. Check out part b. In part b, you are going to make some cool visualizations with data from the past.
Please take a minute to fill out the Mid Quarter Evaluation. Juliette and Tara read each piece of feedback that you write, so let us know how the course is going!
Checkout this encryption puzzle. Solve it using paper and pencil only, no computers and no internet. Use your knowledge of spelling and punctuation to break the encryption. The first few people to email Juliette the plaintext solution (and a picture of their work) to this will get a small prize and bragging rights :)
We have released grades for the first quiz on Gradescope. Solutions as well as statistics about the exam can be found on the Quiz 1 Solutions handout.
The Quiz is scheduled to take place on July 9th at 1:30 p.m PT It will be administered digitally; instructions to set up BlueBook, our digital assessment platform, are posted here.
Once it is time for you to start the quiz, you will click the button below which will provide you with the file to download as well as an exam code for you to use to load the quiz on BlueBook. All students can use this link, even if you have arranged for an alternate duration, time, or platform for the diagnostic. You must be enrolled in the class to access the diagnostic.
Starting at 8am PT please only post questions privately on Ed. If you have a question about the problem statement or about logistics during the diagnostic you may post privately on Ed. Please refrain from posting anything about the diagnostic on Ed until we release solutions next week.
Unless you have arranged with Tara for an alternate sitting, you must begin the exam at 1:30pm PT and must submit 35 minutes after that, with a short grace period during which you can submit.
You will have 35 minutes to complete the quiz. We recommend pulling up any solutions you want to consider before clicking the button below. You can consult lecture notes, your notes, practice problems, section problems, and the internet. You cannot collaborate or discuss with anyone while taking this quiz. Even though you have Pycharm to test your code, you cannot copy or paste into or out of BlueBook. So, it is a better strategy to write down all of your main ideas in BlueBook rather than spending any time testing in Pycharm. You can make BlueBook into a smaller window by hitting escape or the double arrows in the top right of the screen (top left if you are on mac). Please not that your time does not officially start until you open the quiz in Bluebook.
If you run into any issues with BlueBook during the exam, check out this handout.
Hi everyone! All parts of Homework 3 are up. Checkout the assignment handout here. Good Luck!
There is a quiz on Friday, July 9th starting at 1:30pm PT. If you cannot take the quiz at 1:30pm PT on Friday, please email Tara no later than Wednesday at 9pm PT. If you have an OAE accommodation and have not already reached out to Tara, please do so as soon as possible.
We made a handout with quiz review problems and solutions. These problems are similar to the type of problems you will see on the quiz. You will take the quiz on a software called BlueBook. Please download this in advance of taking the quiz. Checkout the Downloading BlueBook handout for more information on BlueBook as well as a practice test you can take on BlueBook to try out the software. Reach out to Tara if you have any questions about BlueBook.
All parts of Homework 2 are up. Instructions for this homework are in the assignments drop down above. There are two parts, and you will need to download Pycharm for part 2. Use this Installing PyCharm guide to do so. Also, Feel free to reference the Image Reference guide for tips on working with images. Good Luck!
Hi everyone! All parts of Homework 1 are up. Instructions for this HW are in the Assignments drop down above. Feel free to reference the Python Guide for style of the Bit Reference Guide for all bit commands. Good Luck!
Welcome to CS106A! We're gearing up for a fun quarter beginning on Monday, June 21st. Our lectures will be Monday-Thursday from 1:30-2:20pm PT. Enrolled students should read the Zoom info handout for details about how to get on the 1:30pm PT webinar on the first day of class. All lectures will be recorded and uploaded to Canvas which you can watch if you are unable to attend the lecture at the scheduled time.
Until then, reach out to Tara, the Head TA, with any questions you have.
Course Values
Covid-19 edition 🦠
Teaching Team
We have released grades for the second quiz on Gradescope. Solutions as well as statistics about the exam can be found on the Quiz 2 Solutions handout.
We are so sorry for the troubles submitting quiz 2. We are still not sure what caused the uploading trouble, but we have a workaround for now. Please follow the instructions below.
python3 move_quiz_to_desktop.py
(use py instead of python3 on windows)
The second quiz is scheduled to take place on August 9th between 1:30 p.m and 2:40 p.m PT.
Once it is time for you to start the quiz, you will click the button below which will provide you with the file to download as well as an exam code for you to use to load the quiz on BlueBook. All students can use this link, even if you have arranged for an alternate duration, time, or platform for the diagnostic. You must be enrolled in the class to access the diagnostic.
Starting at 8am PT please only post questions privately on Ed. If you have a question about the problem statement or about logistics during the diagnostic you may post privately on Ed. Please refrain from posting anything about thequiz on Ed until we release solutions
Unless you have arranged with Tara for an alternate sitting, you must begin the quiz at 1:30pm and must submit 70 minutes after that, with a short grace period during which you can submit.
You will have 70 minutes to complete the quiz. We recommend pulling up any solutions you want to consider before clicking the button below. You can consult lecture notes, your notes, practice problems, section problems, and the internet. You cannot collaborate or discuss with anyone while taking this quiz. Even though you have Pycharm to test your code, you cannot copy or paste into or out of BlueBook. So, it is a better strategy to write down all of your main ideas in BlueBook rather than spending any time testing in Pycharm. You can make BlueBook into a smaller window by hitting escape or the double arrows in the top right of the screen (top left if you are on mac). You can ignore any warnings from BlueBook about needing to turn off your wifi.
If you run into any issues with BlueBook during the exam, check out this handout.
One of our awesome section leaders, Tori, is holding a review session on Saturday, August 7th at 2pm PT. Zoom Link.
Checkout the recording of the reivew session.
Checkout the slides from the review session.
The second quiz is scheduled to take place on August 9th between 1:30 p.m and 2:30 p.m PT. If you have a conflict, please email Tara to schedule an alternate exam time. It will be administered digitally; instructions to set up BlueBook, our digital assessment platform, are posted here. Quiz #2 will be 70 minutes. Checkout the Quiz 2 Review handout for practice.
We have released HW 6. This is a bit of a longer assignment, so we suggest that you start early. We have also posted a guided extension handout which shows some extensions you can do on the assignment for extra credit or that you can submit for the contest. You can check out the homework here. HW 6 is due Tuesday, August 3rd at 11:55pm PT
We have changed the date of quiz 2. Quiz 2 will now take place on Monday, August 9th starting at 1:30pm PT. Please reach out to Tara if you need to find an alternative time to take the quiz.
One of the joys of programming is the ability to make something totally of your own creation. In CS106A this quarter we are hosting a Contest where you can program anything you like using the concepts and tools we learn in class. See the contest handout for more details.
We have released all parts of assignment 5. The assignment is due due Tuesday, July 27th. Check out part a. Use what we learned in class to make some cool drawings with Python. Check out part b. In part b, you are going to make some cool visualizations with data from the past.
Please take a minute to fill out the Mid Quarter Evaluation. Juliette and Tara read each piece of feedback that you write, so let us know how the course is going!
Checkout this encryption puzzle. Solve it using paper and pencil only, no computers and no internet. Use your knowledge of spelling and punctuation to break the encryption. The first few people to email Juliette the plaintext solution (and a picture of their work) to this will get a small prize and bragging rights :)
We have released grades for the first quiz on Gradescope. Solutions as well as statistics about the exam can be found on the Quiz 1 Solutions handout.
The Quiz is scheduled to take place on July 9th at 1:30 p.m PT It will be administered digitally; instructions to set up BlueBook, our digital assessment platform, are posted here.
Once it is time for you to start the quiz, you will click the button below which will provide you with the file to download as well as an exam code for you to use to load the quiz on BlueBook. All students can use this link, even if you have arranged for an alternate duration, time, or platform for the diagnostic. You must be enrolled in the class to access the diagnostic.
Starting at 8am PT please only post questions privately on Ed. If you have a question about the problem statement or about logistics during the diagnostic you may post privately on Ed. Please refrain from posting anything about the diagnostic on Ed until we release solutions next week.
Unless you have arranged with Tara for an alternate sitting, you must begin the exam at 1:30pm PT and must submit 35 minutes after that, with a short grace period during which you can submit.
You will have 35 minutes to complete the quiz. We recommend pulling up any solutions you want to consider before clicking the button below. You can consult lecture notes, your notes, practice problems, section problems, and the internet. You cannot collaborate or discuss with anyone while taking this quiz. Even though you have Pycharm to test your code, you cannot copy or paste into or out of BlueBook. So, it is a better strategy to write down all of your main ideas in BlueBook rather than spending any time testing in Pycharm. You can make BlueBook into a smaller window by hitting escape or the double arrows in the top right of the screen (top left if you are on mac). Please not that your time does not officially start until you open the quiz in Bluebook.
If you run into any issues with BlueBook during the exam, check out this handout.
Hi everyone! All parts of Homework 3 are up. Checkout the assignment handout here. Good Luck!
There is a quiz on Friday, July 9th starting at 1:30pm PT. If you cannot take the quiz at 1:30pm PT on Friday, please email Tara no later than Wednesday at 9pm PT. If you have an OAE accommodation and have not already reached out to Tara, please do so as soon as possible.
We made a handout with quiz review problems and solutions. These problems are similar to the type of problems you will see on the quiz. You will take the quiz on a software called BlueBook. Please download this in advance of taking the quiz. Checkout the Downloading BlueBook handout for more information on BlueBook as well as a practice test you can take on BlueBook to try out the software. Reach out to Tara if you have any questions about BlueBook.
All parts of Homework 2 are up. Instructions for this homework are in the assignments drop down above. There are two parts, and you will need to download Pycharm for part 2. Use this Installing PyCharm guide to do so. Also, Feel free to reference the Image Reference guide for tips on working with images. Good Luck!
Hi everyone! All parts of Homework 1 are up. Instructions for this HW are in the Assignments drop down above. Feel free to reference the Python Guide for style of the Bit Reference Guide for all bit commands. Good Luck!
Welcome to CS106A! We're gearing up for a fun quarter beginning on Monday, June 21st. Our lectures will be Monday-Thursday from 1:30-2:20pm PT. Enrolled students should read the Zoom info handout for details about how to get on the 1:30pm PT webinar on the first day of class. All lectures will be recorded and uploaded to Canvas which you can watch if you are unable to attend the lecture at the scheduled time.
Until then, reach out to Tara, the Head TA, with any questions you have.
Course Values
Covid-19 edition 🦠