Teaching Team
Good luck studying!
We described our honor code policy at the beginning of the quarter, but we wanted to revisit our rules on homework collaboration. Essentially, you are welcome to exchange ideas with other students and the staff, but then you should take those insights and use them to write your own code. If you feel you made a mistake over the course of the quarter, please read this retroactive citation and retraction handout detailing some next steps. You can fill out the retractive citation form if you feel that you have violated the honor code while working on an assignment this quarter.
If you have any questions about whether to submit this form, or would like to submit a citation after the form as closed, please email Nick or Ngoc.
Nick will hold an AMA after class or anytime during his regular OH during week 10. He'll also check Zoom at the beginning of his OH.
Important Exam Logistics:
Good luck studying!
We have released the final homework, HW8, which will be due Wednesday, March 12th at 11:55pm. We'll still have the usual grace period until Friday. Ebbi and Diamond will be hosting YEAH as usual on Thursday, March 6th at 3:30-4pm in 420-041.
We will have a seating chart for the final. If you need a left-handed desk or you are a CGOE student wanting to join us on campus for the final, please fill out this form by Friday 3/7.
There is no class this Friday, Feb 28! However, a recorded video will be available for you to watch on Canvas for lecture 24.
We have released both parts of HW7 which you can find under the assignments tab, which will be due on Wednesday, March 5th at 11:55pm. Ebbi and Diamond will be hosting YEAH as usual on Thursday, Feb 27 at 3:30-4pm in 420-041.
We will release the grades for the Midterm on Gradescope near the end of class. You must log in with your Stanford email to see your score. Solutions and statistics can be found on the Midterm Solution Handout.
We try to grade as consistently as possible, but we are human and we might make mistakes. After reading through the solution handout, if you feel that one of your problems was misgraded, please file a regrade request on Gradescope. Please submit regrade requests by Wednesday, Feburary 26th at 11:59pm PT. Note that your section leader is NOT able to regrade your work. If you submit a regrade request, we do reserve the right to regrade the entire problem and make any necessary corrections.
Any regrade requests after the due date should be directed to Ngoc via email.We have released both parts of HW6, Baby Names and Baby Graphics. This is a longer assignment, so we suggest that you start early and get help in LaIR and office hours!
In order to access both parts of the assignment handout, you should complete our evaluation survey. It's mostly an opportunity to give feedback on your section leader. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.
Both parts are due Wednesday, February 26th at 11:55pm PT. Ebbi and Diamond will be hosting YEAH as usual on Thursday, Feb 20 at 3:30-4pm in 420-041We have released HW5, Quilt. You can find it under the Assignments tab. It is due Wednesday, February 19th at 11:55pm PT.
Ebbi and Diamond will host YEAH on Thur, Feb 13 30 3:30-4pm in 420-041
The midterm is in-person on Tuesday, Feb 11 from 7-8pm. If you have OAE exam accommodations, you should have heard from Ngoc. If you haven't, please reach out.
There is no class on Monday, Feb 10!
Some of our section leaders (Liam, Arisa, and Ari) will be holding a review session today, 2/7 at 3:30pm in Sriram 104. We will post a recorded version of this session to Ed.
Review Materials:
Important Exam Logistics:
Good luck studying!
Nick's OH will now be in the Computing and Data Science Building (CoDa). Go straight forward, Nick’s office is E120 on the first floor.
Ngoc's OH will be in CoDa B45.
We had the Bluescreen Contest in class on Friday! See these slides containing the top bluescreen submissions nominated by section leaders.
Student votes are in, check out the bluescreen winners presentation.
Congratulations to our winners: Zulfiyya Kishiyeva, Gul Aca, Johanna Flodin, Aditya Garg, Roman Cota, Mai Ideshit, Billy Ramirez, Eujeong Choi, Jose Vasquez, Noah Goldsmith, and Jesse Jimenez!
The winners can claim their prize in Nick's office hours if they haven't already!
We have just posted HW4, Cryptography. Like HW2, this assignment has an ethics portion that you should submit along with your code.
We have released both parts of HW 3. You can find it under the assignments tab. Both parts are due on Wednesday, Jan 29 at 11:55pm with a 48-hour grace period.
Ebbi will host YEAH on Thur, Jan 23 3:30-4pm in 420-041.
We have just released HW 2: Images! It can be found under the assignments tab. It is due next Wed, Jan 22 at 11:55pm.
We've uploaded a video on Canvas under "Files" that you'll need to watch before completing the ethics portion of Part C.
One of our section leaders, Ebbi, will be hosting YEAH (Your Early Assignment Help) Hours for HW2 on Thur, Jan 16 3:30-4pm in 420-041! Each week in YEAH Hours, Ebbi will walk through the assignment instructions, give tips for completing the assignment, and talk about common bugs.
For HW 2 and beyond, you will need need to install Python and PyCharm! Do this early, so we can help you debug install issues. Ngoc will have PyCharm and Python installation helper hours on Fri, Jan 17 1:30-3:30pm in Durand 303. Please try to install before so you can come if you need help!
We have released Part B of Assignment 1. You can also find this assignment under the "Assignments" tab above. You'll get to write your very first programs on the Experimental Server with Bit. Hooray!
This assignment is due Wednesday, January 15th at 11:55pm PT with a 48-hour grace period that you can use without any permission needed. Submission instructions are the bottom of the handout.
Discussion section signups are now open at this signup link and will close Sunday, January 12th at 5pm PT. Section signups are NOT first come, first serve - just be sure to fill out the form before it closes. Discussion sections are mandatory.
Even if you signed up for a discussion section on Axess, you will need to sign up for a weekly discussion section through our section management mechanism. You can completely ignore the Axess sections.
We invite you to take the Welcome Survey so that we can get to know you all better!
If you have an OAE letter, please fill out this form by the end of Week 3.
CS106A offers extensive resources and support for students, but if you are interested in an additional weekly section, consider applying for ACE. CS100A, also known as CS106A ACE, is a 1-unit supplementary section designed to build a stronger foundation in computer science. The class will take place Wednesdays 9:30am - 11:30am in building 320 room 220. PLEASE NOTE: ACE does not replace your mandatory CS106A section.
If you are taking CS106A this quarter and feel you would benefit from extra practice in addition to your mandatory CS106A section, consider applying for CS100A. Applications Friday, January 5th at 5 pm.
You can access the application here. If you have any questions about CS106A ACE, feel free to reach out to Abena Ofosu, the CS106A ACE instructor.
ACE is one of the School of Engineering’s Equity and Inclusion initiatives. We want to provide this opportunity for students who come from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds or for anyone who feels they might need additional support in order to succeed. Unfortunately, we must limit enrollment to enable small classes that allow students to have one-on-one interactions with the TA.
Lecture recordings can be found by clicking on "Canvas Lecture Videos" in the Resources section on the right-hand side of the website.
Welcome to CS106A! We can't wait to teach you all and are looking forward to a fun quarter! Our first class meeting is on Monday, Jan 6 at 12:30pm in Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200. Check out our Syllabus here! You should also check out our Experimental Server, and go ahead and click through the auth now.
Course Values
Teaching Team
We have just released HW 2: Images! It can be found under the assignments tab. It is due next Wed, Jan 22 at 11:55pm.
We've uploaded a video on Canvas under "Files" that you'll need to watch before completing the ethics portion of Part C.
One of our section leaders, Ebbi, will be hosting YEAH (Your Early Assignment Help) Hours for HW2 on Thur, Jan 16 3:30-4pm in 420-041! Each week in YEAH Hours, Ebbi will walk through the assignment instructions, give tips for completing the assignment, and talk about common bugs.
For HW 2 and beyond, you will need need to install Python and PyCharm! Do this early, so we can help you debug install issues. Ngoc will have PyCharm and Python installation helper hours on Fri, Jan 17 1:30-3:30pm in Durand 303. Please try to install before so you can come if you need help!
We have released Part B of Assignment 1. You can also find this assignment under the "Assignments" tab above. You'll get to write your very first programs on the Experimental Server with Bit. Hooray!
This assignment is due Wednesday, January 15th at 11:55pm PT with a 48-hour grace period that you can use without any permission needed. Submission instructions are the bottom of the handout.
Discussion section signups are now open at this signup link and will close Sunday, January 12th at 5pm PT. Section signups are NOT first come, first serve - just be sure to fill out the form before it closes. Discussion sections are mandatory.
Even if you signed up for a discussion section on Axess, you will need to sign up for a weekly discussion section through our section management mechanism. You can completely ignore the Axess sections.
We invite you to take the Welcome Survey so that we can get to know you all better!
If you have an OAE letter, please fill out this form by the end of Week 3.
CS106A offers extensive resources and support for students, but if you are interested in an additional weekly section, consider applying for ACE. CS100A, also known as CS106A ACE, is a 1-unit supplementary section designed to build a stronger foundation in computer science. The class will take place Wednesdays 9:30am - 11:30am in building 320 room 220. PLEASE NOTE: ACE does not replace your mandatory CS106A section.
If you are taking CS106A this quarter and feel you would benefit from extra practice in addition to your mandatory CS106A section, consider applying for CS100A. Applications Friday, January 5th at 5 pm.
You can access the application here. If you have any questions about CS106A ACE, feel free to reach out to Abena Ofosu, the CS106A ACE instructor.
ACE is one of the School of Engineering’s Equity and Inclusion initiatives. We want to provide this opportunity for students who come from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds or for anyone who feels they might need additional support in order to succeed. Unfortunately, we must limit enrollment to enable small classes that allow students to have one-on-one interactions with the TA.
Lecture recordings can be found by clicking on "Canvas Lecture Videos" in the Resources section on the right-hand side of the website.
Welcome to CS106A! We can't wait to teach you all and are looking forward to a fun quarter! Our first class meeting is on Monday, Jan 6 at 12:30pm in Hewlett Teaching Center Room 200. Check out our Syllabus here! You should also check out our Experimental Server, and go ahead and click through the auth now.
Course Values