
Jupyter Notebooks are an interactive tool for executing code with output printed after each code cell. They are well suited for code demos, but can also be used for iterative, interactive work.


Generally useful MATLAB functions. HTML

Lecture 1

Variables, vectors. HTML

Matrices, strings, cell arrays, help. HTML

Lecture 2

Scripts, simple functions. HTML

Control flow. If, while, for. HTML

Anonymous functions. HTML

Lecture 3

Data Structures and Plotting. HTML

Real Data in Data Structures and Plotting with Bar-graphs. HTML

Lecture 4

File I/O (input/output). HTML

Data treatment. Interpolation, filtering, polynomial fitting. HTML

Lecture 5

Timing and Vectorization. HTML

Profiling and Errors. HTML

A really nice article about vector and logical indexing. Matrix Indexing in MATLAB

Lecture 6

Differential Equations. HTML

Solving equations. HTML

Function approximation. HTML

Lecture 7

Images. HTML

Ball in a Bowl movie example. ball_in_a_bowl.mp4 ball_in_a_bowl.m

Advanced Movie Analysis Example.

Lecture 8

LaTeX template/example. lec8.tex lec8.pdf