In your file's comment header, list both partners' names; also cite all sources of help, including books, web pages, friends, section leaders, etc.
Do not consult any assignment solutions that are not your (pair's) own.
Do not attempt to disguise any code that is not your (pair's) own.
Do not give out your assignment solution to another student (outside of your pair).
Do not post your homework solution code online. (e.g. PasteBin, DropBox, web forums).
Please take steps to ensure that your (pair's) work is not easily copied by others.
Remember that we run similarity-detection software over all solutions,
including this quarter and past quarters, as well as any solutions we find on the web.
If you need help solving an assignment, we are happy to help you.
You can go to the LaIR,
or the course message forum,
or email your section leader,
or visit the instructor / head TA during office hours.
You can do it!