Peace and Justice--General
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center Excellent site for resources and links.
Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research Academic journal with articles and reviews on a wide rage of topics relating to peace and justice.
Web Site for the Peace History Society
"For the First Time, the Guns have been Directed the Other Way" An interview with Noam Chomsky.
On-line petition or a non-vengeful response to terror of September 11, sponsored by psychologist Jordan Peterson.
Nuclear War and Weapons
U.S.Ca tholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on War and Peace, May 3,1983
Western States Legal Foundation. Great links to resources relating to defense and nuclear issues.
The Nuclear Files A good set of on-line resources.
Tri-Valley CAREs (Citizens against a Radioactive Environment) Information about activities at Lawrence Livermore Lab.
Los Alamos Study Group Information about nuclear issues, and especially about what is happening at the nuclear weapons laboratories.
ent of Energy's Budget Request for the Year 2000 (for Lawrence
Livermore Laboratory)
An overview of the laboratory's
Lab News, Jan.26,2001
A description of some current nuclear
weapons development activities.
Oreo Cookie Demonstration A graphic description of the immensity of our defense budget.
Capital Punishment
Catholics against Capital Punishment A good bibliography.
Action Committee
This site includes a prayer service of hope
in memory of the Oklahoma bombing victims and
in opposition to
capital punishment and the execution of Timothy McVeigh.
John Negroponte
Otto Reich