Robert Siegel
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The Stanford Dish 20144
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Near the dish
On the dish
Tree at sunset
The Stanford Dish
December 27, 2014
Deadly allure of gold
Volvopluteus gloiocephalus
The Stanford Dish
December 26, 2014
Beetle on mushroom
Mushroomic underbelly
The Stanford Dish
December 28, 2014
The Stanford Dish
December 28, 2014
Red in beak and tail
Squirrel - the new red meat
Tell-tale tail
American kestrel
I cannot find a definitive source for the name of this common tarantula.
I have variously seen it refered to as Aphonopelma californicum, Eurypelma californicum; and Eurypelma californica.
I have not even found a good reference for the common name.
Family: Theraphosidae
The Stanford Dish
September, 2014
Genus: Aphonopelma
Family: Theraphosidae
The Stanford Dish
September, 2014
Tarantula finger ornament
Genus: Aphonopelma
Family: Theraphosidae
The Stanford Dish
September, 2014
Tarantula eye to eye
Genus: Aphonopelma
Family: Theraphosidae
The Stanford Dish
September, 2014
Viruses in the News class - snagged
Genus: Aphonopelma
Family: Theraphosidae
The Stanford Dish
September, 2014
Photographing Nature
The Stanford Dish
September 28, 2014
Photographing Nature
The Stanford Dish
September 28, 2014
Photographing Nature goes off-trail
Photographing Nature
The Stanford Dish
September 28, 2014
Dew drops on leaf
The Stanford Dish
September 28, 2014
Full moon rise
The Stanford Dish
June, 2014
When squirrels have their tonsils checked
When squirrels try to act cool
A fence-y view of the Dish
The Stanford Dish
June, 2014
You can't see me.
Mule deer
The Stanford Dish
May, 2014
The blues
Kite in flite
Kite and klaws
Oat fields
The Stanford Dish
May, 2014
Beetle tartar
The Stanford Dish
May 29, 2014
Lizard on the radar
The egret spotted the lizards from far away and began to stalk them.
He did a waggle dance with his head
By following his gaze, it was easy to spot his intended target, even before predator and prey both fit on the same canera frame
Great Egret (Ardea alba) with
western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis)
The Stanford Dish
April 7, 2014
Nailed him
Inspecting the meal
Belly blue
You can see the lizard's blue abdominal streaks. And the green mating coloration around the egret's eye.
This has gotta hurt
Double deer
Mustard and venison
Black-tailed deer
Hat trick
The Stanford Dish
March, 2014
Yum, mushroom
Multi-tasking :D
Western Meadowlark
The Stanford Dish
February, 2014
I'm outa here
The Stanford Dish
January, 2014
The Stanford Dish
January, 2014
The Stanford Dish
January, 2014
Gopher nemesis
Gopher snake
The Stanford Dish
April 8, 2014
Messor havester ants
The Stanford Dish
April 8, 2014
Space age at our feet
Phoradendron villosum
Fiddling at the dish - backlit
Common fiddleneck - (Amsinckia menziesii )
Second fiddle - direct light
Common fiddleneck - (Amsinckia menziesii )
Ventilation for the mole people
Earth Star
The Stanford Dish
February, 2014
Large earth Star
Photographing Nature
The Stanford Dish
September 28, 2014
Serrated shroom
ID by Christian Schwarz through mushroomobserver.org
The Stanford Dish
March, 2014
An unbreathable set of gills
The Stanford Dish
March, 2014
Pitholithus emerging
The Stanford Dish
October, 2014
When fungi inhabit scat
On coyote scat
The Stanford Dish
February, 2014
Sporing encounter
On coyote scat
The Stanford Dish
February, 2014
Near the dish
Acrow and acorn
Fallen nest
This nest, with multiple newly hatched chicks, was destroyed when a branch fell off of an oak tree along Campus Drive
April 8, 2014
Avian carnage
Along Campus Drive
April 8, 2014
Ring-necked snake abdomen
With crane's bill geranium
Along Campus Drive
April 8, 2014
The Dish itself
The Dish
October 19, 2014
Dish close
October 19, 2014
Dish close
October 19, 2014
Dish close
October 19, 2014
Dish backlit
October, 2014
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Modified: October 9, 2017
Created: February 22, 2014 (from dish2013.html)
Contact: siegelr@stanford.edu
All pictures are protected by copyright. Do not use without permission.