Rozelle, PhD
F. Farnsworth Senior Fellow
Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
Papers, Books, Book Chapters, Reports
and Working Papers by Topic
I. China
Agricultural Policy and Trade
1. Biotechnology
2. Research
and Development Policy
3. Trade
4. Grains
and Soybeans
5. Cash Crops
6. Horticulture
7. Livestock
and Aquaculture
8. Dairy
9. Other
B. Markets
1. Commodity Markets
2. Rural Markets
3. Supermarkets and
Urban Venues
4. Other
C. Land Use and Spatial Integration
1. Cultivated Land
2. Urbanization
3. Spatial
4. Other
D. Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
1. Land Tenure
2. Labor and Migration
3. Self
4. Rural Industry and
5. Investment and
a. Village
Governance and Elections
b. Investment and
c. Governance and
6. Rural Education
and Health
7. Income and Income
8. Poverty and Poverty Alleviation Analysis
9. Rural Credit and
10. Public Finance
and Fiscal Policy
11. Aging and the
12. Rural Development, in
general (or Other)
E. Rural Environment and Resources
1. Forests
2. Water
a. Groundwater
b. Surface Water
c. Other
3. Other
Environmental Problems and Issues
F. Transition Economics and Comparative Economics (China and the Rest
of the World)
1. China and Europe
and Russia
2. China
and India
3. China and
Southeast Asia
4. China and North
5. China
and Mexico
6. Other
II. Work on Other Countries
A. Asia and the Pacific
1. Papua New Guinea
2. Vietnam
Special Sections
Reports for Agricultural
Associations and Agencies
Reports for International
Books and Edited Volumes
Gender Papers
I. China
Agricultural Policy and Trade
1. Biotechnology
Rice in Farmers’ Fields: Assessing Productivity and Health Effects in China,” Science
308 (April 29, 2005): 688-690 (with Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray).
Biotechnology in China,”
Science 295 (January 25, 2002): 674-677 (with Jikun Huang, Carl Pray,
and Qingfang Wang).
the Crops to Feed the Poor,” Nature 418, 6898 (August 8, 2002): 678-684
(with Jikun Huang and Carl Pray).
holders, Transgenic Varieties, and Production Efficiency: The Case of Cotton
Farmers in China,”
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 46, 3
(September 2002): 367-388 (with Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu Carl Pray Fangbin Qiao).
as an Alternative to Chemical Pesticides: A Case Study of Bt Cotton in China” Agricultural
Economics. 29 (2003): 55-67 (with
Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray and Fangbin Qiao).
Years of Bt Cotton in China: The Benefits Continue,” The
Plant Journal 31, 4 (September 2002): 423-430 (with Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu,
and Carl Pray)
Policy and Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops in China: A Comprehensive
Review of China’s Agricultural Biotechnology Sector,” Working Paper, Presented
at the 75th Anniversary of the IAAE, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
2005 (with Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Carl Pray).
Trade or Protecting the Developing World? Assessing the Impact of the Biosafety
Protocol for the Case of China,” Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute,
Stanford University, 2006 (with Jikun Huang, Deliang Zhang, Jun Yang
and Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes.
“Managing Pest Resistance in Fragmented Farms: An Analysis of the
Risk of Bt Cotton in China and its Zero Refuge Strategy and Beyond, Working
Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University, 2006 (with Fangbin Qiao,
Jim Wilen and Jikun Huang).
Years of Bt Cotton in Farmer Fields in China: Is the Reduction of Insecticide Use Sustainable?” 2006. Working Paper,
Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University, 2006 (with Jikun Huang,
Hai Lin, Ruifa Hu and Carl Pray).
Intellectual Property Rights, Bio-safety Management and the Bt Cotton Seed
Industry in China: Who Benefits from Policy Reform?” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University,
2006 (with Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray, Jikun Huang, C. Fan and C. Zhang).
“Genetically Modified Rice, Yields and Pesticides:
Assessing Farm-level Productivity and Health Effects in China.” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute,
Stanford University, 2006 (with Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Carl Pray).
2. Research and Development Policy
“Economies of Scale and Scope, and the Economic Efficiency of China’s
Agricultural Research System,” 2005 International Economic Review 46, 3
(August): 1033-1056 (With Songqing Jin, Julian Alston and Jikun Huang).
Change: Rediscovery of the Engine of Productivity Growth in China's Rural
Economy,” Journal of Development Economics 49, 2 (July 1996): 337-369
(with Jikun Huang).
for New Technology: Assessing the Preference for Rice Technology in Asia,” Economic Development and Cultural Change
49, 3 (April 2001): 591-609 (with Prabhu Pingali and Roberta Gerpacio).
Creation and Spread of Technology and Total Factor Productivity in China,” American
Journal of Agricultural Economics 84, 4 (November 2002): 916-930 (with
Jikun Huang, Songqing Jin, and Ruifa Hu).
Agricultural Research System and Reforms: Challenges and Implications to the
Developing Countries,” Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 1, 1
(June 2004): 1-17 (with Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu).
Research Investment in China: Challenges and Prospects [in Chinese] Beijing: China’s Finance
and Economics Press, 2003 (With Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu).
Zhongguo Nongye Keji Touzi Jingji [The Economics of China’s Agricultural Research
Investments] China’s Agricultural Press, Beijing, China, 2000 (With Jikun
Huang, Ruifa Hu, and Linxiu Zhang).
“Reforming China’s Agricultural Research System,” Chapter 13, pp.
245-264, in Derek Byerlee and Ruben Echeverria (eds.), Agricultural Research
Policy in an Era of Privatization CABI Publishing: Wallingford, UK, 2002
(With Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, and Carl Pray).
“Assessing the Contribution of China’s Research
System and CG Genetic Materials to the Total Factor Productivity of Rice in
China,” Journal of Rural Development. 23 (Summer 2000): 33-70. (with Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, and Songqing Jin).
“Agricultural Research Policy in China: Testing the Limits of
Commercialization-led Reform,” Contemporary Economic Studies XXXIX, 2
(1997): 37-71. (With Carl Pray and Jikun Huang).
3. Trade
Food Economy to the 21st Century: Supply, Demand, and Trade," Economic
Development and Cultural Change 47,4 (July 1999):
737-766 (with Jikun Huang and Mark Rosegrant).
“Trade Reform, Household Effects and
Poverty in Rural China,”
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85, 5 (December 2003): 1292-1298
(with Jikun Huang and Ninghui Li).
Benefits from Input Market and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Fertilizer in China,” American Journal
of Agricultural Economics 85, 5 (December 2003): 1223-1227 (with Fangbin
Qiao, Bryan Lohmar, Jikun Huang and Linxiu Zhang).
“WTO and Agriculture: Radical
Reforms or the Continuation of Gradual Transition,” China Economic Review
11, 4 (2000): 397-401 (with Jikun Huang and Linxiu Zhang).
“Trade Reform, the WTO and China’s Food
Economy in the Twenty-First Century,” Pacific Economic Review 8, 2
(2003): 143-156 (with Jikun Huang).
Roots of Competitiveness: China’s
Evolving Agriculture Interests. Policy Analysis in International
Economics, Volume 72. Institute for International Economics: Washington DC.
June 2004 (with Dan Rosen and Jikun Huang).
Trade and Policy in China (Edited Volume) Ashgate Publishing, United Kingdom, 2003 (With Dan
Mianxiang Ershiyi Shiji de Zhongguo
Liangshi Jingji [China’s
Grain Economcy in the 21st Century—in Chinese]. 1998. China’s
Agricultural Press: Beijing,
China (With
Jikun Huang).
“Trade Liberalization and China’s Food
Economy in the 21st Century: Implications for China’s National Food
Security,” Chapter 4, pp. 55-79, in Scott Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner (eds.),
Agricultural Trade and Policy in China Ashgate Publishing, United Kingdom, 2003
(With Jikun Huang, Chunlai Chen and Francis Tuan).
“China’s Rice
Economy and Policy: Supply, Demand and Trade in the 21st Century,”
Chapter 2, pp. 33-58, in M. Sombilla, M. Hossain, and B. Hardy (eds.), Developments
in the Asian Rice Economy International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos,
Phillipines, 2002 (With Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Ninghui Li).
“Trade Reform, WTO and China’s Food
Economy in the 21st Century,” Pacific Economic Review 8, 2
(2003): 143-156 (with Jikun Huang).
“The Impact of
Trade Liberalization on China’s
Agriculture and Rural Economy,” 2003 23,1
(Winter-Spring): 115-131 SAIS Review, Forthcoming. (with
Jikun Huang).
Past, Present, and Future Food Economy: Can China Continue
to Meet the Challenge?” Food Policy 22,3 (June
1997):191-200 (With Mark Rosegrant).
“How China Will NOT
Starve the World," Choices First Quarter 1996:12-17 (With J. Huang
& M. Rosegrant).
“When Dragons and Kangaroos
Trade: China’s Rapid Economic Growth and Its Implications for China and
Australia,” 2007 Australian Farm Policy. 4,1
(February): 35-49 (with J. Huang and J. Yang)
“Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in China,” Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute for
International Studies, Stanford University (with Jikun Huang and Will Martin).
4. Grains and Soybeans
Policy in China's
Villages: Simulating the Response of Grain Yields to Pricing, Procurement and
Loan Policies,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75, 3 (May
1993): 339-349 (with R.N. Boisvert).
Stress and Grain Yields in China,”
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77, 4 (November 1995):
246-256 (with Jikun Huang).
Development and the Supply of Wheat in China,” Australian Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics 46, 3 (December 2000): 545-572 (with
Jikun Huang).
Grain Policy Reforms: Implications for Equity, Stabilization, and
Efficiency," China
Economic Review 5, 1 (Spring 1994): 15-34 (with Albert Park and Cai Fang).
“Foodcrop Production Variability in China,
1931-1985". The School for
Oriental and African Studies, Research and Notes Monograph Series, Volume
9, London,
August 1995. (With
Bruce Stone).
“Quotas and Grain Production in China,” Chapter 6, pp. 111-135, in
Scott Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner (eds.), Agricultural Trade and Policy in
China Ashgate Publishing, United Kingdom, 2003 (With Dewen Wang, Jikun
Huang and Dan Sumner).
“Wheat Genetic Diversity in China: Measurement and Cost,” Chapter
12, pp. 251-267 in Scott Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner (eds.), Agricultural
Trade and Policy in China Ashgate Publishing, United Kingdom, 2003 (With
Erika C.H. Meng, Melinda Smale, Ruifa Hu and Jikun Huang).
5. Cash Crops
6. Horticulture
“Producing and Procuring Horticultural Crops with Chinese
Characteristics: A Case Study in the Greater Beijing Area,” 2006. Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford
University (with Honglin Wang, Xiaoxia Dong, Jikun Huang and Thomas Reardon).
Demand, Trade Prospects, and the Rise of China’s Horticultural Industry,” 2007.
Working Paper Written for NAAMIC (North American Agricultural Marketing and
Industry Consortium (with Daniel A. Sumner, Mechel Paggi, and Jikun Huang).
“Small Traders and Small Farmers: The Small Engines Driving China’s
Giant Boom in Horticulture,” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli
Institute, Stanford University, (with Xiaoxia Dong, Honglin Wang, Jikun Huang
and Thomas Reardon).
7. Livestock and Aquaculture
“Reassessing China’s Livestock Statistics:
Analyzing the Discrepancies and Creating New Data Series,” Economic
Development and Cultural Change 52, 2 (January 2004): 445-474 (with Jikun
Huang and Hengyun Ma).
“Livestock in China: Commodity-Specific Total
Factor Productivity Decomposition Using New Panel Data,” 2006. American Journal of
Agricultural Economics. 88: 680-695. (with
Allen Rae, Hengyun Ma and Jikun Huang).
“Chinese Animal Consumption
in the 1990s,” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
48, 4 (2004): 569-590 (with Hengyun Ma, Allan Rae and Jikun Huang).
Emergence and the Rise and Fall of Backyard Hog
Production in China,” 2005. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies,
Stanford University (with Jing Chen, Colin Carter and Jikun Huang).
8. Dairy
“Got Milk? The Rapid
Rise of China’s Dairy Sector and Its Future Prospects,” 2006. Food
Policy 31: 201-215. (with Frank Fuller, Hengyun Ma and
Jikun Huang).
Productivity on Suburban Dairy Farms in China,” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute for
International Studies, Stanford University (with Hengyun Ma, Allan Rae and
Jikun Huang).
“Consumption of Dairy Products in Urban China,” 2005. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute for
International Studies, Stanford University (with Frank Fuller, John Beghin and
Dinghuan Hu).
9. Other
Engines of a Viable Agriculture: Advances in Biotechnology, Market
Accessibility, and Land Rentals in Rural China,”
Journal 53 (2005) (with Jikun Huang and Keijiro Otsuka).
“Market Development and Food Consumption in Rural China,” China Economic Review
9, 1 (1998): 25-45 (with Jikun Huang).
“Getting Rich and Eating Out: Consumption of Food
Away from Home in China,”
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 (2006): 101-119 (with H.
Ma, J. Huang and Frank Fuller).
“Will China Become a
Major Force in World Food Markets?” Review of Agricultural Economics 23,
2 (Fall-Winter 2001): 319-31 (with Colin Carter).
B. Markets
1. Commodity Markets
Nature of Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in China and Implications of WTO
Accession,” World Bank Economic Review 18, 1 (2004): 59-84 (with Jikun
Huang and Min Chang)
to Entrepreneur: The Changing Role of the State in China’s Transitional Commodity
Economy,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 48, 2 (January 2000):
227-252 (with Albert Park, Jikun Huang and Hehui Jin).
“Market Emergence and Transition: Transition Costs, Arbitrage, and Autarky in China’s Grain
Market,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84, 1 (February
2002): 67-82 (with Albert Park, Hehui Jin and Jikun Huang).
“Responsiveness, Flexibility and Market Liberalization
in China’s
Agriculture,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82, 5 (December
2000): 1133-39 (with Alan deBrauw and Jikun Huang).
“Liberalization and Rural Market Integration in China,”
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (May 1997): 635-642 (With Albert
Park, Jikun Huang, and Hehui Jin).
“Marketing Reforms, Market Development, and
Agricultural Production in China,”
Agricultural Economics 17,2-3 (1997): 95-114
(With Alfons Weersink).
Sequencing of Reforms in China’s
Agricultural Transition,” Economics of Transition 12, 3 (2004): 427-466
(with Alan deBrauw and Jikun Huang).
“Distortions at the Border;
Integration Inland: Assessing the Effect of WTO Accession on China’s Agriculture,” Journal of
Chinese Economics and Business Studies 1, 1 (2002): 95-116 (with Jikun
Huang and Yuping Xie).
2. Rural Markets
State-Market Relations in Rural China,”
Economics of Transition 6, 2 (1998): 461-480 (with Albert Park).
and Change in China’s
Rural Periodic Markets,” China Journal 49 (January 2002): 89-115 (with
Jikun Huang and Vince Benziger).
3. Supermarkets and Urban Venues
Emergence of Supermarkets with Chinese Characteristics: Challenges and Opportunities
for China's
Agricultural Development," Development Policy Review, 22, 4
(September 2004): 557-86 (with Dinghuan Hu, Thomas Reardon, Peter Timmer and
Honglin Wang).
4. Other
“The Emergence of a Futures Market: Mungbeans on the
China Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange,” Journal of
Futures Markets 18,4 (1998): 427-448 (With Jeffrey
Williams, Anne Peck, and Albert Park).
C. Land Use
and Spatial Integration
1. Cultivated Land
“Cultivated Land Conversion and
Bioproductivity in China,”
2004. Proceedings
of SPIE 5544: 135-148 (with Xiangzheng Deng and Jikun Huang).
“Cultivated Land Conversion and
Potential Agricultural Productivity
in China,” Land Use Policy.
Forthcoming (with Xiangzheng Deng, Jikun Huang and Emi Uchida).
“Growth, Population and
Industrialization and Urban Land Expansion of China,” Journal of Urban
Economics. Forthcoming.
(with Xiangzheng Deng, Jikun Huang and Emi Uchida).
3_Spatial Modelling
D. Rural
Development and Poverty Alleviation
1. Land Tenure
“Hazards of Expropriation: Tenure Insecurity and
Investment in Rural China,”
American Economic Review 92, 5 (January 2003): 1420-1447 (with Hanan G.
Jacoby and Guo Li).
Leaders and Land-Rights Formation in China,” American Economic Review
88, 2 (May 1998): 433-438 (with Guo Li).
Government Behavior and Property Rights Formation in Rural China,” Journal
of Institutional and Theoretical
Economics 160, 4 (2004):
627-662 (with L. Brandt and M. Turner).
Land Rights, and Farmer Investment Incentives in China,” Agricultural Economics
18,1 (1998): 1-20 (With Guo Li and Loren Brandt).
Rights in China: Fact, Fiction, and Issues,” China
Journal 47 (January 2002): 67-97 (with Loren Brandt, Jikun Huang and Guo
“Implementing China’s New Land Law: Evidence and Policy Lessons,”
2005. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of
International Studies, Stanford University (with Klaus Deininger; Songqing Jin
and Zude Xian).
Land and Labor Markets in the Process of Economic Development: Evidence from
China,” 2005. Working
Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University
(with Klaus Deininger; Songqing Jin and Zude Xian).
2. Labor and
Remittances, and Agricultural Productivity in China,” American Economic Review
89, 2 (May 1999): 400-418 (with Edward Taylor and Alan deBrauw).
“The Evolution of China’s Rural Labor Markets during
the Reforms,” Journal of Comparative Economics 30, 2 (June 2002):
329-353 (with Alan deBrauw, Linxiu Zhang, Jikun Huang and Yigang Zhang).
“Off-farm Jobs and On-Farm Work in Periods of Boom and
Bust in Rural China,” Journal of Comparative Economics 29, 3 (September
2001): 505-526 (with Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
“Migration and Incomes in Source Communities: A New
Economics of Migration Perspective from China,” Economic Development and
Cultural Change 52, 1 (October 2003): 75-102 (with Alan deBrauw and J.
Edward Taylor).
“Climbing the
Development Ladder: Economic Development and the Evolution of Occupations in
Rural China,”
2006. Journal of
Development Studies 42(6): 1023-1055 (with Sandeep Mohapatra and Jikun
“Leaving China’s Farms: Survey Results of new Paths and Remaining Hurdles
to Rural Migration,” China Quarterly 158 (June 1999): 367-393 (with Guo
Li, Minggao Shen, Amelia Hughart and John Giles).
Rural Labor Market Development and Its Gender Implications,” China Economic
Review 15 (2004): 230-247 (with Linxiu Zhang and Alan deBrauw).
“Employment, Emerging Labor Markets,
and the Role of Education in Rural China,”
Economic Review. 13 (2002):
313-328 (with Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
“Opportunities and Barriers in Reform
China: Gender, Work, and Wages in the Rural Economy,” Pacific Economic
Review 7 (1 2002): (with Xiao-yuan Dong, Linxiu Zhang and Amelia Hughart).
“The Rise of
Rural-to-Rural Labor Markets in China,”
2001 Asian Geographer. 20, Numbers 1-2 (with Bryan
“China’s Rural Labor Markets,” China
Business Review (March-April 2002): 18-31 (with Alan deBrauw, Linxiu Zhang,
Jikun Huang and Yigang Zhang).
Strategies during Agricultural Recession in China's Reforming Economy," Chinese
Environment and Development Spring/Summer 1995:43-84 (With Leying Jiang).
Market Emergence and Returns to Education in Rural China,” 2005. Review of
Agricultural Economics 27(3): 418-424 (with Qiang Li, Linxiu Zhang and Alan
“Migration and Household Investment in
Rural China,” China Economic Review.
Forthcoming (With Alan deBrauw).
“Reconciling the Returns to Education in Off-Farm Wage
Employment in Rural China,” Review of Development Economics. Forthcoming
(with Alan deBrauw).
3. Self Employment
“The Rise of Self-employment in Rural China:
Development or Distress?” 2007. World Development. 35(1): 163-181 (with
Sandeep Mohapatra and Rachael Goodhue).
with Chinese Characteristics: The Forgotten Engine of Rural China’s Growth,”
2006. Contemporary Economic Policy 24: 446-458 (with Jian Zhang,
Linxiu Zhang and Steve Boucher).
“Regulation of Local Governments and Enterprise Formation in Rural
China,” Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies,
Stanford University (with Jian Zhang, Sandeep Mohapatra and Ran Tao).
4. Rural Industry and Privatization
“Privatization with a Tail: The Buyout Price and Performance of
Privatized Firms in Rural China,”
Journal of Development Economics 75 (2004): 1-26 (with Hongbin Li).
Managers, and the Organization of Township and Village Enterprises in China,” Journal
of Development Economics 60, 2 (December 1999): 529-557 (with Hongyi Chen).
“Rural Industrialization and Increasing Inequality:
Emerging Patterns in China's
Reforming Economy," Journal of Comparative Economics 19, 3
(December 1994): 362-391.
“Privatization Rural China:
The Role of Screening, Learning, and Contractual Innovation on the Evolution of
Township Enterprises,” China
Quarterly 176 (December 2003): 981-1005 (with Hongbin Li).
“Saving or Stripping Rural
Industry: An Analysis of Privatization and Efficiency in China,” Agricultural
Economics 23, 3 (September 2000): 241-52 (With Hongbin Li).
“Incentive Complementarity: Investment-bonding, Profit-sharing and
the Performance of Firms in Rural China,” 2007. Working Paper, Freeman
Spogli Institute, Stanford University (with Sandeep Mohaptra and Rachael
5. Investment and Governance
a. Village Governance and Elections
in a Dynamic Village
Economy: The Reforms and Unbalanced Development in China's Rural Economy,” Journal
of Development Economics 46, 2 (July 1995): 233-252 (with R. N. Boisvert).
“Quantifying Chinese
Village Leaders' Multiple
Objectives,” Journal of Comparative Economics 18, 1 (February 1994):
25-45 (with R.N. Bosivert).
“Elections and Power: The Locus of Decision Making in
Chinese Villages,” China
Quarterly 162 (June 2000): 300-325 (with Jean Oi).
Making in China's Rural
Economy: Defining a Framework for Understanding the Behavior of Village Leaders
and Farm Households,” China
Quarterly 137 (March 1994): 99-124.
“Elected Leaders and Collective Land:
Farmer's Evaluation of Village Leader's Performance in Rural China,” Journal
of Chinese Political Science 9, 1 (Spring 2004) (with John Kennedy and
Yaojiang Shi).
“A Vote of Confidence? Voting Protocol and
Participation in China’s Village Elections.” 2006. Freeman Spogli
Institute of International Studies, Stanford University (with Xiaopeng Pang).
b. Investment and Infrastructure
in Rural China: Tracking the Commitment to China’s Modernization,” 2006. The
Chinese Economy 39: 4 (July-August): 57-84 (with Renfu Luo, Chengfang Liu
and Linxiu Zhang).
“Migration and Household Investment in
Rural China,” China Economic Review. Forthcoming (with Alan deBrauw).
in China’s Rural Infrastructure and Environment,” 2006. Report to the World
Bank with (with Linxiu Zhang, Haomiao Liu, Chunhui Ye, Renfu Luo, Lerong Yu and
YY Yan).
c. Governance and Investment
Fiscal Reform and Public Goods Provision in Rural China,” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies,
Stanford University (with Renfu Luo, Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
“Village Elections, Public Goods Investments and Pork Barrel
Politics, Chinese-style,” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman
Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University (with Renfu Luo,
Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
6. Rural Education and Health
“Reconciling the Returns to Education in Off-Farm Wage Employment
in Rural China,” Review of Development Economics. Forthcoming (with Alan
Rural China’s Health? An Empirical Analysis of China’s New
Collective Medical System,” 2006. Freeman Spogli
Institute of International Studies, Stanford University (with Yuanyuan Yan,
Linxiu Zhang and H. Holly Wang).
7. Income and Income Inequality
“Why is
Income Inequality So Low in China Compared to Other Countries? The Effect of Household Survey Methods,” Economic
Letters 71, 3 (June 2001): 329-333 (with John Gibson and Jikun Huang).
“Measuring Inequality and Poverty in Urban China: Can
We Do it As Accurately, But More Cheaply? Review of
the Income and Wealth 49, 1 (March 2003): 53-68 (with John Gibson and Jikun
"Stagnation Without Equity: Patterns of Growth
and Inequality in China's
Rural Economy" The China
Journal 35 (January 1996): 63-96
8. Poverty and Poverty Alleviation Analysis
Poverty Investments and Economic Growth in China,” World Development
26, 12 (December 1998): 2137-2151 (with Albert Park, Vince Benziger and
Changqing Ren).
War on Poverty: Assessing Targeting and the Growth Impacts of Poverty
Programs,” Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies 1, 3
(2003): 301-317 (with Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
“China’s War on Poverty” Chapter 9, pp.
235-272, in Nicholas C. Hope, Dennis Tao Yang, and Mu Yang Li (eds.), How
Far Across the River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium
Stanford University
Press: Stanford, CA, 2003 (With Linxiu Zhang and Jikun
9. Rural Credit and Banking
“Incentive Effects under Contract
Renegotiation: Evidence from the Chinese Banking Industry,” 2007. Economics of Transition 15(1):
109-124 (with Scott Rozelle and Li-an Zhou)
Programs and Moving Off-farm in China,”
2004. Pacific Economic Review 9(3): 209-223 (with Hongbin Li and
Linxiu Zhang).
“Financial Reform and Transition in China: A Study of the Evolution
of Banks in Rural, Coastal Areas,” 2005. Working
Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University
(with Minggao Shen and Scott Rozelle).
10. Public Finance
and Fiscal Policy
Consequences of Reforming Local Public Finance in China,"
Quarterly 147 (December 1998): 1001-1032 (with Albert Park, Cristine Wong
and Changqing Ren).
“Fostering or Stripping Rural China: Modernizing Agriculture and
Rural to Urban Capital Flows,” Developing Economies XLIV-1 (March 2006):
1-26 (with Jikun Huang).
Rural Public Finance: The Village Perspective,” 2005.
ANNEX 7: Report to the World Bank, Village Finance: Tax-for-Fee Reform, Village
Operating Budgets and Public Goods Investment (with Linxiu Zhang, Yuanyuan Yan
and Loren Brandt).
Rural Public Finance: The Township Perspective,” 2006.
ANNEX 8: Report to the World Bank, Fiscal Reform and the Role of the Township
(with Linxiu Zhang, Haomiao Liu and Loren Brandt).
11. Aging and the
“Aging, Well-being, and Social Security in Rural North China,” Population and Development 26, 0
(Supplement 2000): 89-116 (with Dwayne Benjamin and Loren Brandt).
“Working Until You Drop: The Elderly of Rural China,” China
Journal 52 (July 2004): 73-94 (with Lihua Pang and Alan deBrauw).
12. Rural
Development, in general (or Other)
“Emerging Markets, Evolving Institutions and the New Opportunities
for Growth in China’s
Rural Economy,” 2002 China Economic Review 13: 345-353 (with Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
China’s Agricultural and
Rural Development in the New Era: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options
[Task Force Monograph / Policy Recommendations and Executive Summary] A
Commissioned Report to the Government China. China
Council on International Cooperation on Environment and Development: Beijing. 2004 (with Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang and Bernie Sonntag).
Accelerating Development in
Rural China,
World Bank Monograph Series, Rural Development Division, 1999 (With Albert Nyberg).
Will Make Chinese Agriculture More Productive?” Chapter 14, pp. 417-449, in
Nicholas C. Hope, Dennis Tao Yang, and Mu Yang Li (eds.), How Far Across the
River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium Stanford University Press:
Stanford, CA, 2003 (With Jikun Huang and Justin Y. Lin).
“The Role of Agriculture in China’s Development: Past Failures;
Present Successes and Future Challenges,” 2006. Working
Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
(with Jikun Huang and Keijiro Otsuka).
Professional Associations in Rural China: State Dominated or New State-Society
Partnerships? 2005. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International
Studies, Stanford University (with Minggao Shen, Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
Feminization of Agriculture Occurring in China? Debunking the
Myth and Measuring the Consequence of Women’s Participation in Agriculture,”
2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of
International Studies, Stanford University (with Alan deBrauw, Qiang Li,
Chengfang Liu and Linxiu Zhang).
E. Rural
Environment and Resources
1. Forests
“Grain for Green: Cost-effectiveness and
Sustainability of China’s Conservation Set-aside Program,” Land Economics
81, 2 (May 2005): 247-264 (with Emi Uchida, Jintao Xu and Zhigang Xu)
“Grain for Green and Grain: A Case Study
of the Conflict between Food Security and the Environment in China,” 2006. World Development.
34(1): 130-148 (with Zhigang Xu, Jintao Xu, Jikun Huang, Xiangzheng Deng and
Emi Uchida).
China: From Afforestation to Poverty Alleviation and
Natural Forest Management World Bank, Washington, DC, 2000 (With Jikun Huang, Syed Hussain, and Aaron Zazueta).
“Are the Poor Benefiting from China’s Land Conservation Program?”
Economic Development and the Environment Forthcoming
(with Emi Uchida and Jintao Xu).
“China: The
World’s Largest Experiment in Conservation and Development,” Chapter 3, pp.
73-98, in Uma Lele (ed.) Managing a Global Resource: Challenges o Forest
Conservation and Development Transaction Publishers: New Brunswick, NJ,
2002 (With Jikun Huang and Uma Lele).
“Forest Exploitation and Protection in Reform China:
Assessing the Impact of Policy, Tenure, and Economic Growth,” Chapter 6, pp.
109-134, in William Hyde, Brian Belcher and Jintao Xu (eds.) China’s Forest
Policy: Global Lessons from Market Reforms Resources for the Future,
Washington, DC, 2003 (With Jikun Huang and Vincent Benziger).
Forests Under Economic Reform: Timber Supplies,
Environmental Protection, and Rural Resource Access,” Contemporary Economic
Policy 16 (1 1998): 22-33 (With Heidi Albers and Guo Li).
“Forest Resources Under
Economic Reform: Response in China's
State and Collective Management Regimes,” China Information
1998 (With Heidi Albers and Li Guo).
2. Water
a. Groundwater
“Evolution of Tubewell Ownership and Production in the
North China Plain,” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource
Economics. 49, 2 (2005): 177-196 (with Jinxia
Wang, Zhigang Xu and Jikun Huang).
“The Development, Challenges and Management of Ground Water in
Rural China,” 2006. Chapter in The Development,
Challenges and Management of Groundwater in Rural China. Groundwater in Developing
World Agriculture: Past, Present and Options for a Sustainable Future, Edited
by Mark Giordano and Tushaar Shah, International Water Management Institute. Forthcoming (Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang, Amelia Blanke and Qiuqiong
of Groundwater Markets in China: A Glimpse into Progress,” 2006. Freeman Spogli Institute of
International Studies, Stanford University (with Lijuan Zhang, Jinxia Wang and
Jikun Huang).
“Irrigation Water Pricing Policy in China,” 2007. Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University
(with Qiuqiong Huang, Richard Howitt, Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang).
b. Surface Water
“Incentives in Water Management Reform:
Assessing the Effect on Water Use, Production and Poverty in the Yellow River
Basin,” Economic Development and the
Environment 10 (2005): 769-799 (with Jinxia Wang, Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang
and Scott Rozelle).
“Water Management Reform
and the Choice of Contractural Form in China,” 2005. Environment and
Development Economics. 10: 769-799. Qiuqiong Huang, Siwa Msangi,
Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang.
“Incentives to
Managers and Participation of Farmers in China’s Irrigation Systems: Which
Matters for Water Savings, Farmer Income and Poverty?” Agricultural
Economics. 34 (2006): 1-16 (with
Jinxia Wang, Zhigang Xu, Jikun Huang).
“Water User Associations and the Evolution and Determinants of
Management Reform: A Representative Look at Northern China,” 2007. Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford
University (with Qiuqiong Huang, Jinxia Wang, Lijuan Zhang and Jikun Huang).
c. Other
“Irrigation, Poverty and Inequality
in Rural China,”
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 49, 2 (2005):
197-211 (with Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang and David Dawe).
“Water Saving Technology and Saving Water in China. 2007. “Water Saving Technology and Saving Water in China Agricultural
Water Management,” 87: 139-150. (with Amelia
Blanke, Bryan Lohmar, Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang).
Agricultural Performance and Poverty Reduction in China,” 2006. Food Policy
31: 32-52 (with Qiuqiong Huang, Bryan Lohmar, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang).
“Water Management Reform and the Choice of Contractual Form in
China,” 2007. Freeman Spogli Institute of
International Studies, Stanford University (with Qiuqiong Huang, Siwa Msangi,
Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang).
3. Other Environmental Problems and Issues
Stress and Grain Yields in China,"
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77, 4 (November 1995):
246-256 (with Jikun Huang).*
Productivity, Host Plant Resistance, and China’s
Battle to
Control Insects and Diseases,” Agricultural Economics 18 (1 1998): 21-40
(With David Widawsky, Songqing Jin, and Jikun Huang).
“Poverty, Population, and Environmental Degradation
in China,”
Food Policy 22,3 (June 1997):253-268 (With
Linxiu Zhang and Jikun Huang).
"The Impact of Environmental Degradation on
Grain Production in China,
1975-1990," Journal of Economic Geography (With Greg Veeck and
Jikun Huang (January 1997):327-342.
"Industrial Wastewater Control in Chinese
Cities: Determinants of Success in
Environmental Policy," Journal of Natural Resource Modeling, 7,
Issue #4, Fall 1994 (With Xiaoying Ma and Leonardo Ortolano).
Transition Economics and Comparative Economics (China and the Rest of the World)
1. China and Europe and Russia
and Failure of Reform: Insights from the Transition of Agriculture,” Journal
of Economic Literature XLII (June 2004): 404-456 (with Johan Swinnen).
From Marx & Mao to the
Market: The Economics and Politics of Agrarian Transition. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK (with
Johan Swinnen).
Did the Communist Party Reform in China, But Not in the Soviet Union? The Political Economy of Agricultural Transition,” Working Paper,
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University (with
Johan Swinnen).
2. China and India
3. China and Southeast Asia
Widespread Are Non-Linear Crowding Out Effects? The Response
of Private Transfers to Income in Four Developing Countries,” 2007. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies,
Stanford University (with John Gibson and Susan Olivia).
4. China and North Korea
“Lessons from China’s State Farm Reforms and North Korea,” Tables
Only. (with Jikun Huang and Luping Li).
5. China and Mexico
6. Other
“The Sequencing of Reforms in China’s
Agricultural Transition,” Economics of Transition 12, 3 (2004): 427-466
(with Alan deBrauw and Jikun Huang).*
"Fertilizer Demand in China's Reforming Economy," Canadian
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 42(2):191-208, May 1994. (With Qiaolun Ye).
II. Work on
Other Countries
A. Asia and
the Pacific
1. Papua New Guinea
“Prices and Unit Values in Poverty
Measurement and Tax Reform Analysis,” 2005. World Bank Economic Review 19(1):
69-98 (with John Gibson).
“Poverty and Access to Infrastructure in Papua New Guinea,”
Economic Development and Cultural Change 52, 1 (October 2003): 159-186
(with John Gibson).
“Is It Better to Be a Boy? A Disaggregated Outlay Equivalent
Analysis of Gender Bias in Papua
New Guinea,” 2002. Journal of Development
Studies 38(6): 23-46 (with John Gibson).
”How Elastic is Calorie Demand?
Parametric, Nonparametric, and Semiparametric Results for Urban Papua New Guinea,”
Journal of Development Studies 38, 6 (August 2002): 23-46 (with John
“An Empirical Test of Methods for Estimating Price Elasticities
from Household Survey Data,” 2004. Working Paper,
Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University (with
John Gibson and B. Kim).
2. Vietnam
the Use of Unit Values and Community Prices in Demand and Food Policy
Analysis,” 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of
International Studies, Stanford University (with John Gibson and Susan Olivia).
III. Special Sections
In Chinese
“Arbitrage, Transaction Costs, and Autarky: China’s Grain
Market Development” China Rural Survey, No.1 (2002): 2-14 (in Chinese --
with Albert Park and Jikun Huang)
“Soybean Genetic Diversity and Production in China,”
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, Vol. 34, No. 6 (2001): 604-609 (in
Chinese -- with Wang, Li, Ruifa Hu, and Jikun Huang)
“Rural Labor Supply Behavior in
Economic Fluctuations,” Problems of Agricultural Economy, No. 5(2000):
7-15 (in Chinese -- with Zhang Linxiu, Amelia Hughart, and Jikun Huang).
“An Innovation of Property Right in
the Groundwater Irrigation System and Its Theoretical Explanation,” Economic
Research Journal, No. 4 (2000): 66-74 (in Chinese – with Wang, Jinxia and
Jikun Huang).
“Jingji Bodongzhong Nonghu Laodongli Gonggei
Xingwei Yanjiu” [“Researching the Determinants of Labor Supply in Times of
Recession”], Nongye Jingji Wenti
[Problems of Agricultural Economic] 5 (2000): 7-15 (With Zhang, Linxiu,
Amelia Hughart, and Jikun Huang)
Guangai Xitong Chanquan Zhidu de Chuangxin yu Lilun Jishi—Xiaoxing Shuili
Gongcheng de Shizheng Yanjiu” [“The Economics of Property Rights Innovation
in Ground Water Irrigation Systems: The Case Study of Local Water Management”],
Jingji Yanjiu [Economic
Problems] 4 (2000): 66-74 (With Wang, Jingxia and Jikun Huang).
Tizhi Gaige de Zai Sixiang: Shichang Jingji Tiaojianxia Nongye Keyan Renyuan de
Keyan Xingwei Fenxi” [“An Analysis of Agricultural Research Reforms Under China’s Emerging Market-Oriented Economy”], Zhongguo Nongcun Guancha [China’s
Rural Observer] 6 (1999): 1-10 (With Ruifa Hu and Jikun Huang).
Ershiyi Shiji de Zhongguo Zhongzi Chanye” [“Towards Developing China’s Seed
Industry in the Twenty First Century”], Nongye
Jishu Jingji [Problems of Agricultural Economics] 2 (1999):
14-21 (Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu).
“Zhongguo Nongye Keji Touzi Xianzhuang ji Duice Yanjiu” [“A Study of
Investment in China’s
Agricultural Research”], Nongye Jingji
Wenti [Problems of Agricultural Economics]. 3 (1999):
28-32 (With Agricultural Research Group, Center for Chinese Agricultural
Policy--Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu).
Jishu Cong Chansheng Dao Caiyong: Zhengfu, Keyan Renyuan,Jishu
Tuiguang Renyuan yu Nongmin de Xingwei Bijiao,” [“From Producing Agricultural
Research to Adoption: Comparing the Perception of Farmers, Researchers, and
Government Officials”], Kexue Dui
Shehui de Yingxiang [Influence of Research in Society] 1 (1999):
55-60 (With Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu, and Jun Song).
Jingji Fazhan yu Laodongli Shichang Fayu Guanxi Yanjiu” [“Measuring the
Relationship between Rural Economic Development and the Emergence of Labor
Markets”], Zhongguo Nongcun Jingji
[China’s Rural Economy] 7 (1998): 52-58 (With Linxiu Zhang and Amelia
Chanquan he Linye de Fazhan: Yunnan
Linqu de Shizheng Yanjiu” [“Property Rights and the Development of
Forestry: A Case Study of Yunnan Province’s Forest Sector”], Nongye Jingji Wenti [Problems of
Agricultural Economics] 7 (1998): 23-29 (With Fangbin Qiao and Jikun
“Zhongguo Nongye Keji Nengfo Chengdanqi Yanghuo 16 Yi Renkou de
Zhongren?” [“Can China’s
Agricultural Research System Feed 1.6 Billion People?”], Nongye Jishu Jingji [The Economics of Agricultural
Production] 6 (1998): 1-19 (With Agricultural Research Group, Center for
Chinese Agricultural Policy--Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu).
de Pingkun Wenti Yanjiu he Zhengce” [“An Analysis of China’s Poor Areas and
Its Problems”]. Gaige
[Reform]. 4 (1998): 72-83 (With Jikun Huang and Hengyun Ma.
Chanyehua yu Zhongzi Gongsi Jingli” [“The Commercialization of Seeds and
Seed Company Management”],
Nongye Keyan Jingji Guanli [The Economics
of Agricultural Research Management] 2 (1998): 7-10 (With Jikun Huang,
Ruifa Hu and Yanmei Lu).
“Jishu yu Fazhan:
Zhongguo Nongye di Gaige” [“Technology and Development: China's Agricultural Revolution”], Jishu Jingji
Xuebao [Journal of Production Economics], August 1996 (With
Jikun Huang and Hu Ruifa).
“Zhongguo de Liangshi
Gongqiu Pingheng he Celue” [“China's Grain Supply and Demand
Balance and Strategy”], Zhonguo
Nongcun Guancha [China’s Rural Observer] 1 (1996): 27-29 (With
Jikun Huang and Mark Rosegrant).
“Maixiang Ershiyi
Shiji de Zhongguo Liangshi: Guoqu De Chengjiu ji Weilai de Quxiang” [“China's Food
Economy Toward the 21st Century: Past Performance and Future Trends”], Nongye Jingji Wenti [Problems
of Agricultural Economics] 1 (1996): 17-24 (With Jikun Huang).
Gaige, he Zhongguo Nongye Fazhan” [“Investment, Institutional Reform, and
Agricultural Growth in China”],
Jingji Yanjiu [Economic
Research], Forthcoming (With Jikun Huang).
“Ershiyi Shiji Zhongguo Liangshi Jingji Wenti” [“China's Food
Problems in the 21st Century”], Nongcun Guancha [The Rural Observer],
First Quarter, 1996 (With Jikun Huang).
“Zhongguo Shuidao
Jishu di Xuanze” [“The Choice of Rice Technology in China”], Zhongguo Shuidao [Rice in China] July 1996 (With
Mingfen Zhu and Jikun Huang).
“Zhongguo de Shichang
Fazhan he Shipin Xiaofei” [“Market Development and Food Consumption in China”], Jishu
Jingji Xuebao [Journal of Production Economics], March 1996 (With
Jikun Huang).
“Senlin Pohuai Yu Zhongguo Linye Baohu Zhengce”
[“Deforestation and China's National Forest Protection Policy”], in B. Zhang,
A. Park, and C. Ren (eds.), Ziyuan Liudong yu Fupin Zhengce [Resource
Flows and Poverty Alleviation Policy in China]. Beijing: Chinese Economic Press. 1994.
“Jishu Jinbu He Nongye Shengchan Fazhan de Yuan Dongli:
Shuidao Shengchanli Cengzhang De Fenxi” [“Technological Change and Agricultural
Productivity: An Analysis of Rice Productivity”], Jishu Jingji Xubao [Journal
of Production Economics] 78(4):21-29, November 1993. (With Jikun Huang).
Zhongguo Jingji Gaige Zhong De Cun
Ganbu Jingji Xingwei [Local Leaders and their Economic Behavior in China's
Reforming Economy]. Jingji Guanli Chubanshe [Economic Management
Press]: Beijing, China. 1992. (With Jianguang Li).
“Liangshi Chanliang Bodong Yu Zhongguo Nongye Zhengce He
Jishu Jinbu” [“The Composition of Changes in Foodcrop Production Variability in
A Discussion of Policy and Technology”], Nongcun Jingji yu Shehui (Rural
Economy and Society) June 1990 (3):13-20. (With B. Stone
and J. Li).
2006. Proposal Submitted to and
funded by the National Science Foundation. A collaborative effort among:
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP);
Stanford University, Freeman-Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI);
Food Security and Environment Program, FSI; Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
for the Study of Biofuels, Poverty and Food Security”
A Concept Note about Setting Up an International
Program for Studying the Effects of the Emergence of Biofuels on Global Poverty
and Food Security. A collaborative effort among: Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP); International Food Policy
Research Institute (IFPRI); Stanford University, Freeman-Spogli Institute for
International Studies (FSI); Food Security and Environment Program, FSI;
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, FSI; Program on Energy and Sustainable
Development, FSI; University of Nebraska, Center for Energy Sciences Research
Agricultural Transition: Trade, Social and Environmental Impact”
Collaborative Project between Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese
Academy of Sciences; Center for World Studies, Vrije University; LEI
University; University of London, SOAS; IFPRI; Stanford University.
Incentives and Institutions: Experimenting with Private-Public Partnerships to
Link the Poor with Modern Supply Chains.”
Proposal/Concept Note to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Project on Raising Incomes of Smallholder Farmers in the
Developing World by building Efficient and Equitable Markets. RFP# GD-AG-01. Project Countries: Senegal,
Madagascar; India and China. Project Team: Scott Rozelle,
Stanford University; Marcel Fafchamps, Oxford University; Johan Swinnen,
Catholic University, Leuven; Tom Reardon, Michigan State University; Bart
Minten, International Food Policy Research Institute; Jikun Huang, Center for
Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences
price policy analysis in China—An experimental
Proposal to various donors, including the University of Minnesota;
Economic Research Service, USDA; China National Science Foundation (with
Qiuqiong Huang; Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang and Jun Xia)
Care for One Billion:Experimenting with Incentives for
the Supply of Health Care in Rural China”
Proposal to the Presidential Fund for
International Innovation Support, Stanford
University (with Scott
Atlas, Renfu Luo and Linxiu Zhang).
Reports for
Agricultural Associations and Agencies
Cotton—Cost of Cotton Production in People’s Republic of China, Poster
for California Cotton Council
Corn—“After Accession to the
WTO: Corn Trade Within China
and Between China
and the Rest of the World. 2003. A Report to the US Grains Council (with Jikun
Rice—“Executive Summary of the Rice Economy of China,” 2001. United States Rice Federation (with Jikun Huang, Dan Sumner and Hyunok Lee).
and Figures
Soybeans—“Trade Liberalization, Rising Imports and China’s Food
Economy: The Case of Soybeans,” 2004. A Report to the American Soybean
Association, Beijing, China (with Jikun Huang).
and Figures
Vegetables—“Vegetables in China.” 2006. A Report to the Western Growers Association
(with Jikun Huang).
Wine—“Wine in China: A
Report to the California
Association of Winegrape Growers,” 2005 (with Jikun Huang and Dan Sumner).
Reports for International Organizations
“Smallholders and High Value Commodities in China,” 2006. Phase
I Report to the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), Center for Chinese
Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences (with Jikun Huang, Xiaoxia
Dong, Yuhua Wu, Zhurong Huang, Xianfang Nui, and Huayong Zhi)
“Markets, Specialization and China’s Smallholder Agriculture,”
2005. Working Paper for Food and Agricultural
Organization, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China (with Jikun Huang and Xiang Bi).
Development in China: New Challenges in a New Landscape,” World Bank Policy
Note, July 10, 2003
“Trade and Investment Liberalization
(TIL) and China’s Rural
Economy: Impacts and Policy Responses after China’s Accession to the WTO,”
World Bank Report, 2002.
I & II
of Agricultural Trade and Related Reforms on Domestic Food Security in China,”
Report to the Food and Agricultural Organization, (with Jikun Huang, Hongxing
Ni and Ninghui Li).
Books and Edited Volumes
From Marx & Mao to the Market:
The Economics and Politics of Agrarian Transition. 20006.
Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK (with Johan Swinnen).
China’s Agricultural and Rural
Development in the New Era: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options
[Task Force Monograph / Policy Recommendations and Executive Summary] A
Commissioned Report to the Government China. China
Council on International Cooperation on Environment and Development: Beijing. 2004 (with Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang and Bernie Sonntag).
Roots of Competitiveness: China’s Evolving Agriculture
Interests. Policy Analysis in International Economics,
Volume 72. Institute for International Economics: Washington DC.
June 2004 (with Dan Rosen and Jikun Huang).
Agricultural Trade and Policy in China (Edited Volume) Ashgate Publishing, United
Kingdom, 2003 (With Dan Sumner).
Agricultural Research Investment in China: Challenges and
Prospects [in Chinese] Beijing: China’s
Finance and Economics Press, 2003 (With Jikun Huang and Ruifa Hu).
China: From Afforestation to Poverty Alleviation and
Natural Forest Management World Bank, Washington, DC, 2000 (With Jikun
Huang, Syed Hussain, and Aaron Zazueta).
Zhongguo Nongye
Keji Touzi Jingji [The Economics of China’s Agricultural Research
Investments] China’s Agricultural Press, Beijing, China, 2000 (With Jikun
Huang, Ruifa Hu, and Linxiu Zhang).
Accelerating Development in Rural
China, World Bank Monograph Series, Rural Development Division, 1999 (With
Albert Nyberg).
“Foodcrop Production Variability in China,
1931-1985”. The School for Oriental and African Studies, Research and Notes
Monograph Series, Volume 9, London,
August 1995. (With Bruce
Ershiyi Shiji de Zhongguo Liangshi Jingji [China’s Grain Economcy in the 21st
Century—in Chinese]. 1998. China’s
Agricultural Press: Beijing, China (With Jikun Huang).
Gender Papers
Feminization of Agriculture Occurring in China? Debunking the
Myth and Measuring the Consequence of Women’s Participation in Agriculture,”
2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute of International
Studies, Stanford University (with Alan deBrauw, Qiang Li, Chengfang Liu and
Linxiu Zhang).
“A Vote of Confidence? Voting Protocol and
Participation in China’s Village Elections.” 2006. Freeman Spogli
Institute of International Studies, Stanford University (with Xiaopeng Pang).
Programs and Moving Off-farm in China,”
2004. Pacific Economic Review 9(3): 209-223 (with Hongbin Li and
Linxiu Zhang).
Rural Labor Market Development and Its Gender Implications,” China Economic
Review 15 (2004): 230-247 (with Linxiu Zhang and Alan deBrauw).
“Opportunities and Barriers in
Reform China: Gender, Work, and Wages in the Rural Economy,” Pacific Economic
Review 7 (1 2002): (with Xiao-yuan Dong, Linxiu Zhang and Amelia Hughart).