Here are some photos I took during 2000's Saas-Fee course which was held (confusingly) in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. The "Saas-Fee" courses are run by the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy every year on a different topic in astronomy. The courses were originally held at the Swiss ski resort of Saas-Fee, but in later years transferred to nearby Les Diablerets (another ski resort!). The theme of the 30th course was High Energy Spectroscopic Astrophsyics.
Les Diablerets is a small ski resort village nestling at about 1500m altitude in the Swiss alps. Above the town a glacier rises to 3000m, and provides some excellent and scenic skiing! Lausanne is about 1 hour away by train.
Besides skiing, Les Diablerets is also famous for its Mexican parties, but fortunately for the embarrasment of one or two people in particular, there is no photographic evidence of this aspect!
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