"Over here," Cessair said. We were in a shady glen, a grotto carved
out into the bank of the creek, about fifteen feet below the
street level. "There had been at least two skulls found here. The
first in early 1922, in April or May, by a student named Bruce
Seymore. He found the skull sticking out of those gravels
right here" -- she walked across the creek to a bank of
gravel and pointed up about 6 feet
above the ground. Her hair had a faint
carrot color
and I found myself gazing at her as she stretched. There was something
sad and even
ironical in her voice, a distance and gentle courtesy;
her largish body moved in a way that was almost mechanical, as if
on command of that distant voice. It was evident that she was much
in a separate world, and I found myself wanting to be part of it.
"He took the skull to Professor Willis of the geology department who advised a friend of his, Doctor Alex Hrdlicka, of the National Museum. It said:
"My Dear Doctor Hrdlicka: Although it is more than 12 years since you and I rejuvenated an ancient man in South America, you are, I notice, still interested in our older inhabitants and I would, therefore, call your attention to a skull, which we have recently found in the alluvial gravels of this immediate vicinity..."
"Well it just seemed to be a bit poetical. Don't you think that people wrote beautifully in those days. I mean just about everyday things...." She paused and poked at the gravel in the bank. There were bits of charcoal mixed with it. Carbon datable, I thought.
"Those were the days when your manner of speaking established your credentials to engage in scholarship. It was supposed to sound as if it were translated from latin."
"Anyway the doctor wrote back saying that he thought that the skull was probably not much older than ten thousand years, humans of those days being at best very scarce on the continent. Professor Willis had judged that the geological deposits in which the skull was found werer more than four thousand years old. Considering the scarcity of absolute dating in those days, these estimates, bracketing it between four and ten thousand yeasr old, are really very good, as subsequent events were to show."
"In the spring of 1963 part of a human vertabra was exposed
on the other side of the creek, this side, at a depth of
sixteen and a half feet. The skeleton was excavated by
Professor Bert Gerow and some students who discovered it to
be a young man who had been buried oriented North seventy degrees
east and was
buried with three points, arrowheads that is, of Monterey chert,
two rodent
incisors, an eccentric pebble of probable marine origin, and
a fragment of the milk canine of a large carnivore, probably
a bear. There was enough charcoal to date the burial at 4350
and 4400 years before present. He was buried sixteen feet below
the level of the present ground. Has there been that much new
gravel deposited here the last 4400 years?"
"2400 BC. A thousand years before the fall of Troy. Probably the sea level was a little lower, but not much. Sounds about right. So you are here to find some more evidence? Is that what you've been sketching?"
"To think about it some more, I guess. I guess something happened. On the face of it this guy was buried sixteen feet in the ground. I don't believe it though. They certainly didnt dig a grave that deep."
"I'm impressed. It makes one believe in the value of an education."
"Do you really think so?"
She was looking directly into my eyes, and I realized that until now she had been wearing dark sunglasses and now had taken them off. For a vertiginous moment it seemed that a door to another world had opened.
Photographs of the San Francisquito Creek skull discovered in 1922 (and
rediscovered by Cessair in the University archives) were the subject of much
scholarly correspondence between Bailey Willis of Stanford University and
various archaeologists. One senses that an objective of this academic interest
was to demonstrate the antiquity of man, thus denying the prospect of special
creation. See Gerow for background on these
We have since learned that applying a dendrology-based
correction factor of 650 years to
this date yields a calendar date of
Copyright 1996 Kirribili Press.
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