I want to say it is a pleasure to visit you here in your beautiful state of California. During my times, now more than a century ago, many of my countrymen, fleeing a great disaster in their own land, came here to settle on the lands of this fine peninsula, some establishing themselves not more than a few minutes walk from where I stand. Among them was John Greer, an Irish sailor who on a Sunday shore leave landed in a rowboat at the mouth of San Francisquito creek (not far from Greer Road in Palo Alto), poled his way up (his friends having taken their shore leave in a lusty quest for gold in the Sierra.) The kind of gold that John Greer found was the warmly human gold of Spanish California; within months he had married the beautiful Mexican daughter of this rancho and soon after came into possession of these fine lands now known as Palo Alto.
Many of these Hibernians found rights, privileges, and opportunities denied to them in the eastern United States, and though I myself did not suffer from this kind of prejudice (more characteristic, perhaps, of the narrow New England puritan culture than the gentler Philadelphia where I grew up) I nonetheless understand well their feelings of relief at having reached this distant lovely western land by the sea, so reminescent of the green valleys of the West of their Ireland, washed as they are by the warm waters of the Gulf stream.
These and countless other similar
tales that made their way to us
from California in the last century
bring to mind the observations of
that medieval bishop, Gerald of
Wales, on his
visit to Ireland in 1183. Gerald's
report to the English monarch
History and Topography of
Ireland remains one of the
fullest descriptions of late
medieval times in that
island, which alone in Europe had
never felt the yoke of Roman
conquest. Gerald found in Ireland a
land of health and springtime, in
which there were countless marvels,
fish with teeth of gold, a woman
who made love with a lion, birds
born of barnacles, a stone cup
that flowed over with wine. In many
odd respects the Ireland of these
days might be taken as
the model of California as this
land was found by the early
American settlers. Indeed even
today I am told that many eastern
Americans consider California
to be a place of exotic and even
outrageous character, not too far
different perhaps than the way
Gerald saw Ireland some eight
hundred years ago:
And there, when I had seen many things not found in other countries and entirely unknown, and at the same time worthy of some wonder because of their novelty, I began to examine everything carefully: what was the position of the country, what was its nature, what was the origin of the race, what were its custom; how often, and by whom, and how, it was conquered and subjugated; what new things, and what secret things not in accordance with her usual course had nature hidden away in the farthest western lands? Just as the countries of the East are remarkable and distinguished for certain prodigies peculiar and native to themselves, so the boundaries of the West also are made remarkable by their o wn wonders of nature. For sometimes tired, as it were, of the true and the serious, she draws aside and goes away, and in these remote parts indulges herself in these secret and distant freaks.
It has sometimes been said of the
Irish in America that they refused
to enjoy their good fortune and
success that though many of them
settled here and raised families
and established their churches
there was about them a certain
restless fatalism, a tendency to go
from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves
within a few generations. It is
true enough, to cite a local example, that Dennis Martin of
Menlo Park (named after his Irish village) died a poor man, having
bitterly quarreled with his
daughter and losing his hard-earned wealth and land
in litigation. There are those who
would attribute this misfortune to
the unsteadiness of the Celtic
spirit. But I am going to suggest
to you
that there may be other reasons
too, having to do more with the
ancient Celtic perception of the
unsteadiness of the world, the
inconstancy of nature's
blessings. As Gerald says, quoting the Roman
Lucan the gods easily grant
great blessings, but do
not easily maintain them.
It may be said by many that it took the coming of the Protestant, namely Leland Stanford and his wife, to bring order and harmony to this place, to transform the land from a wild and abandoned wilderness into the garden that it is today. And it is true, as you shall see, that nature cooperated marvelously in this transformation, causing the rains to become more steady and gentle as they have been these past hundred years. But there is a fair question to be asked here. Was there not a bit of passing luck to all this? Is it not possible that has time now run out? Are we not sensing a new kind of irregularity returning here, and to the world at large? Are we not seeing once again in the air about us a kind of inconstancy, the suggestion that nature has now withdrawn her favors and is now becoming peevish? This is a great question, one that I know you ask yourselves in many ways, and it is the question that I shall, after a short quotation from my writings and some suitable autobiographical diversions, proceed to address.
The illustrations are from a medieval edition of Gerald's
Another hibernian, Dennis
passed after many an adventure over
the Sierra in a shower of snow (the
old Irish tales had the worthy
young adventurer gaining entrance
to the fairy land through just such
a mountain snow shower); on
arriving in California he joined
Sutter in his military adventures
to southern California and then
established a
community next to San Francisquito
Creek three miles upstream from
here, in what is now the lands of
your atomic accelerator.
A few
miles south of here his travelling
companion Martin Murphy soon found
himself presiding over a sea of
golden wheat
in the little settlement of
Mountain View. Murphy's festive
parties were so popular that trains
were chartered to bring guests from
San Francisco.
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