Stanford Email - Palm OS

Configuring VersaMail for POP

On this page:
Learning About or Getting VersaMail
Installing Software on your Palm Device
Configure VersaMail for POP Mail
Check Mail
Additional Information and Links

Learning About or Getting VersaMail

VersaMail comes pre-installed on some Palm OS devices or you can purchase it directly from Palm Software Site

Installing VersaMail

If you need assistance installing software on your Palm OS device, you can find it here on the PalmOne website.

Configure VersaMail POP

Launch VersaMail

Tap Versamail on your Palm screen

create new account

From within VersaMail

  • Press Menu
    (or tap upper left corner of screen)
  • Select Account Setup

Tap New to create a new account

Choose an account name, set Mail Service and Protocal:
  • Account Name : Stanford POP
  • Mail Service: Other
  • Protocol: POP

Tap Next


Enter sunetid and password

  • Username: sunetid
  • Password: your password

Tap Next

Enter your POP settings
  • Email address: (note: you can highlight then copy this (menu c) and paste (menu p) as needed)
  • Incoming Mail Server :
  • Outgoing Mail Server :

Tap Next

Tap Advanced

Incoming Server Settings:

  • Port Number: 995
  • Check Use Secure Connection (SSL)
  • Do Not Check Use Authentication (APOP)

Tap Next


Outgoing Server Settings:

  • Port Number: 25
  • Check Use Secure Connection
  • Check Use Authentication (ESMTP)
  • Enter sunetid and password if not automatically populated

Tap Done

Tap OK

Press Menu
(or tap upper left corner of screen)

Select Preferences

Select Delivery Options from the Preferences menu

  • Choose Sync automatically and set a schedule if you want your mail delivered automatically
  • Select Alerts and choose how you want to be alerted
  • Tap OK

Select Reply Options from the preferences menu

  • Include original text if you want
  • Enter Your Name if you want it to appear in the from field
  • Enter your
  • Check Always BCC a copy to:
  • and enter your if you want to keep a copy on your desktop
  • Tap OK

Select Filters from the preferences menu

  • Tap New to create a new Filter

Create a Filter for Stanford identified SPAM

  • Name: SPAM
  • Select Subject and Contains
  • Enter [spam
  • Then get mail and move to: Trash

Tap OK
Tap OK

Select Server from the preferences menu

  • Check Leave mail on server after downloading to VersaMail
  • Do Not Check Delete mail

Tap OK

Tap OK

Check Mail



Useful Links

Download the Treo Handbook

Download the Treo Datasheet

Treo 600 Interactive Tutorial & Product Tour - half way down the page, on the right hand side

Stanford Palm Tech Briefing