12, 1996
Gregory Freidin
The most recent calls for the postponement of the June
presidential election in Russia have brought into sharp relief
three fundamental and interrelated problems facing the country's
young democracy: the language of politics, the rules of the
political game and the national ideals that lend legitimacy to
the unglamorous daily business of government politics. What form
the national idea will take depends on who is elected president,
but the problems of language and rules hold the key to
understanding the campaign dynamic.
Indeed, in what language should the political elite of the new
Russia seek the confidence of the electorate? In contrast to
American politicians, who speak the same political language and
need to worry only about the choice of "issues,"
Russian politicians are vexed by the choice of at least three
different political languages. The ritual language and symbols of
the communist era were discredited during perestroika. Before
long, the effectiveness of perestroika rhetoric suffered a
similar fate, overtaken by Boris N. Yeltsin's powerful blend of
anti-communism, Russian nationalism and what appears to have been
a hasty and perhaps naive embrace of Western-style democracy and
market capitalism. Now, the power of this democratic reformist
language has been diluted by the failure of the reformers to
deliver on their promises. In effect, the language of Russian
democracy has turned into a new form of ritualized speech
tenuously connected to Russians' everyday experiences and
convictions. Indeed, the presidential campaign can be seen as
essentially a language-authenticity contest between Gennady A.
Zyuganov and Yeltsin. Both are firmly planted on the country's
political stage, each partly stealing from the other's act, with
the audience hard put to believe a word of what is being said,
yet having to judge the performers' relevance to Russia's
The V-day celebration last week was a case in point. It takes
a seasoned Kremlinologist to see a crucial difference between the
red banner with a hammer and sickle that flew over Zyuganov's
head as he spoke to his supporters and the red banner with a star
that flew along side the post-communist Russian tricolor as
Yeltsin was reviewing the military parade from atop the Lenin
mausoleum. How will the ultimate judgment be made?
"The difference between them and us," said Russia's
premier satirist, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, "is that they write
across the whole length of a fence, 'We are for Zyuganov!' but we
cannot write on the same fence, 'You are a-------!' " The
satirist was right about dividing the Russian electorate into two
polarized camps, one aggressively relishing its preference for Zyuganov, the other squirming from the embarrassment of having to
share a country with such ignorant folk and too fastidious to
stoop to conquer. Yet, Zhvanetsky's aphorism may be misleading in
that it suggests that the supporters of reform cannot be equally
provocative. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
If only the reformers could respond with Zhvanetsky's
earthiness, they would not have to worry about the upcoming
presidential election. In fact, their profound disdain for
Zyuganov's supporters, a disdain exemplified by their
unwillingness to express, or to learn to express, their
understanding and beliefs in a lucid popular idiom, has been
perceived by the electorate disenfranchised by their reforms as
an insult more stinging than the most offensive expletive.
For better or worse, the only candidate who can close the
"cultural gap" between reformers and a word-weary
electorate is Yeltsin. Inarticulate, practically tongue-tied,
Russia's first president can draw liberally on the rhetoric and
symbols of the democratic reformers, communists and the
nationalists--all three were in evidence in his V-day
statements--and still sound authentic in his impromptu comments
interlarded with his folksy and utterly genuine sounding
"You get what I mean." What people get is that Yeltsin
is not an ideologue possessed by an idea or a mission, that he is
not a schemer and, most important, that he is who he is--a
Russian man of power who can be wrathful, even ruthless, as much
as he can be generous; whose tastes are unpretentious and down to
earth, and who is not greedy or vain. Therefore, he can serve as
a relatively impartial, yet compassionate arbiter of competing
Zyuganov's strategy is to become a vehicle of all the
political forces that are opposed to Yeltsin's pro-Western,
modernizing orientation: Lenin, traditional Russian Orthodox
Christianity, Islamic fundamentalism, radical communism, proto-
or old-fashioned fascism, anti-Semitism, welfare statism, limited
capitalism, limited socialism. The list could go on, as long as
its common denominator is the reaction to the Western,
modernizing reforms with which Yeltsin has been identified.
Zyuganov's problem is that he speaks the language of a
second-rate Communist Party propagandist, a language that,
granted, is experiencing a bit of a renaissance, not because
Sovietese has recovered any of its authenticity, but thanks to
the nostalgia for the old days.
Where Yeltsin can use some help is in convincing the
electorate that, as a former athlete, he would, on the whole,
respect the rules of the game he himself has done much to
establish. However unpopular the Soviets and however
contradictory the Russian Constitution, Yeltsin's bold move to
dissolve the Soviet-era parliament, in October 1993, created an
ominous precedent. Few, if any, among the reform politicians who
supported Yeltsin then have not since had second thoughts about
the wisdom of violating the most sacred rule of democratic
politics. The call for a postponement of the presidential
elections, made last week by Gen. Alexander V. Korzhakov,
Yeltsin's chief body guard and close confidante, has brought
these anxieties into focus. And yet, in a paradoxical way,
Korzhakov's sensational statement has done much to relieve these
All the constitutional machinery that has been put in place
since the adoption of the new constitution in December 1993--most
notably, the constitutional court, the central electoral
commission, the state Duma--dismisses the idea of postponing the
elections not only as an unconstitutional act, but as something
that would simply be impossible to carry out in today's Russia.
Also, given the army's reluctance to intervene in 1993, few
expect it to come to the defense of the president ignoring his
constitution. Whether Korzhakov's call was stage-managed by
Yeltsin and the general, or whether Yeltsin simply took advantage
of Korzhakov's political naivete, the general's misstep gave the
incumbent a perfect opportunity to identify himself with the
newly established democratic institutions and, without mentioning
the guns of October 1993, to reassure the voters of his
commitment to democracy. And if Korzhakov's crie de couer (the
general confessed to "suffering with himself" before
making the statement) has also reminded Russia's men of power of
October 1993--that is, of the risk involved in challenging
Yeltsin--so much the better for the incumbent, who, in one
stroke, was able to reaffirm his democratic credentials and force
government officials contemplating deserting him for Zyuganov to
give the matter another thought.
And all this accomplished without using much language.*
Copyright (c) 1996 by Gregory Freidin