Gregory Freidin
When a famous Russian popular singer, Alexander Vertinsky,
returned from his Parisian exile in the late forties, he was so
taken aback by the sight of the new Moscow that he exclaimed:
"Oh Russia, verily I cannot recognize thee!" Then he
noticed that his suitcases were gone. "Now, oh Russia, I
verily recognize thee!"
Even for someone who like myself grew up in Moscow and has
been for the last six years a close, sometimes a participant
observer of the Moscow scene (on one side of the barricades in
August 1991, and on the other, in September-October 1993), the
city has become part of schizophrenic vision: it is deceptively
familiar and unfamiliar, and both at the same time. Even compared
to six month ago, the last time I was visiting Moscow (remember
Zhirinovsky's victory at the polls?), the city has undergone a
sea change.
What is this new Moscow like?
High noon. Wall-to-wall traffic, throbbing, baking in the
exhaust haze, gridlocked. Lasciate speranza... until all of a
sudden a patched-up black BMW, Moscow's preferred muscle car,
jumps halfway up the sidewalk and, like a startled black crab,
scurries into a side street. A cabby follows. After that, all is
stillness again, except for the noise of a hundred idling
For every BMW and Mercedes (the latter, according to a recent
news report, sell in greater volume in Moscow than in any other
European capital), there is a pothole lying in wait, just as it
is for any other wheeled species. But in the new capitalist
Russia, even this venerable, vintage pothole -- as familiar to
all as the craters on the face of the Moon -- has been
transformed into a symbol of hope for the nascent automotive
service industry.
With gasoline in Moscow selling for approximately half of what
it costs in the USA and the incomes lower by several factors,
most of those caught in the midday traffic must be on the way to
or from making a lucrative deal. The scene would otherwise make
no economic or even anthropological sense, since the vagaries of
instability and inflation have long transformed the average
Russian from a hybrid of a utopian and a cynic into a primitive
subspecies of the Homo Economicus. It is this rough hewn
creature, with a tight and often enough brass-knuckled fist, that
now wheels in his, or her, private beat-up Zhiguli sedan or a
late-model Volvo -- and deals in anything from counterfeit caviar
to shady real estate, to drugs, white slavery, children's encyclopaedias, or oil futures.
But the real boom in Moscow is in the construction business.
No, you will not find construction materials lying around as in
the old days (handy for barricade building and minor home
repair). Instead, every block has a lot fenced off, a scaffolding
in place. The screeching and booming noises emanating from the
construction mess give the passer-by an ear-splitting proof of a
sharp economic upturn. Some neighborhoods have already been
transformed beyond recognition. The outskirts of Moscow's South
West, formerly a quaint Russian village of Krylatskoe, sports a
sparkling new Dallas skyline with a black-glass-and-steel
post-modern office tower that looks like a wedding cake from
hell. Outside Moscow proper, modern single family homes and
mansions with saunas, Jacuzzis and yes, bidets, are rising like
mushrooms amid the stone age collective farm hovels with their
crowing cocks and mud-wallowing pigs. The burbs have apparently
arrived in Russia. And while some of the post-communist loot has
surely been diverted to Cyprus or London's up-market
neighborhoods, a good deal of it is being sunk right into the
home dirt of Moscow's new suburbia.
Standing in food lines has been as Russian as apple pie is
American. I still remember the childhood thrill when an elder
from one interminable queue or another scrawled on the back of my
hand a two- or three-digit number with an indelible chemical
pencil moistened in his spittle. Now it takes a special effort to
see the old Moscow behind all the fruit and vegetable stalls
surrounding every metro station; rows of kiosks with their liquor
bottles and Mars bars; and the counters of old cavernous shops,
bare a year ago, groaning under the weight of everything from
farmer's cheese to chuck, to imitation crab meat. Prices are high
but Muscovites still spend little on rent, and with the exception
of 10% or so can provide for the necessities. The dire warning of
food riots and galloping inflation issued by the free-marketeers
and the communists alike six months ago turned out to be off the
mark. Food consumption has been rising steadily, and the monthly
inflation is down to 4-5%, the goal that the IMF had expected
Russia to reach only in December.
At the old-fashioned food store on the Tverskaya, the
cacophony of foreign labels on packaged food is exciting to the
young and the savvy. They think nothing of asking the sales clerk
to hand over a cold cereal from Germany or a bottle of an
Algerian claret. An older man wanders in, a bit shabby but still
respectable in his old fedora and a rumpled suit. His lapel is
weighed down by a couple of WWII medals, perhaps, in a tribute to
the 53d anniversary of the German invasion of Russia or simply as
the last symbolic anchor in that sea of unsymbolic change. He
looks around. He can afford some of it on his average 90,000
rubles pension, but unable to make heads or tails of all the
new-fangled stuff with four-figure price tags, he mutters under
his breath: "Just blow up this whole mess, blow it up and
send it to hell." He is jostled by the fast-paced shoppers,
too familiar with his type to bother at all. Even more
disoriented now, he shuffles out of the store, spitting and
Still nostalgic for the long lines? To get your fix today, you
must go to one of the new financial centers where crowds of
people queue up for hours on end, not for food, or clothes or
cosmetics, but for the astronomical dividends -- as much as 10% a
month in non-inflationary dollars -- which some pyramiding
schemes calling themselves banks pay out to their clients. The
catch is that such a bank may have fifteen outlets that would
accept your investments and only one that issues the
"dividends," and that only once a month. The chances
that your principal will go up in smoke between the payout days
is great and has been improving now that the 20-30% a month
inflation has been reduced to single digits, bank bankruptcies
have become routine, and the government has begun cracking down
on misleading advertising. The demise of the go-go MMM
notwithstanding, investors have wised up to this new form of the
Russian roulette: to spread the risk, they shift their investment
from "bank" to "bank" every couple of months.
For many Moscow artists and intellectuals with a few thousand
dollars in savings, this form of rent has replaced the old
government subsidies. In today's Moscow, these rentiers can live
comfortably on $300 a month (the income from a $600 investment),
provided they have the stomach of a gambler and a pair of strong
legs, useful in today's Russia both in the dividends line and
during the all-night vigil of the Russian Orthodox mass on
Easter. Their favorite author? Why, Nietzsche, of course, the
"philosopher with the hammer," as reported by Moscow's
high-brow Review of Books.
Nostalgic for the perestroika high-wire politics? You are out
of luck. Whatever is left of politics in this world of nouveau
riches and nouveau Russes, is now spelled with a very small
"p." By contrast with the years before the December
1993 elections, no single issue or personality defines the
political scene in Russia today. All that matters now is
"the economy, stupid." Gone is the high drama featuring
the indomitable Boris Yeltsin, butting his head against
Gorbachev's skull, wrestling with Communism from the tank turret,
or butting his head against the skulls of Khasbulatov and Rutskoi. It has been upstaged by Vladimir
Zhirinovsky, the man
with the comic genius of a Chaplinesque Hitler (or is it a
Hitleresque Chaplin?), who alone has been able to provide
occasional relief from the tedium of the country's new politics.
In a stroke of a clown's genius, he has now been tailing
Yeltsin's tour of the Volga region in his own steamer, setting up
his political carnival tent in the wake of the Presidential
train. Even Solzhenitsyn's revivalist return, though it made a
few ripples on the editorial pages with a soft spot for the
dissident politics of conscience, became quickly submerged in the
tidal wave of change rolling over the old country. Politics is
becoming local, becoming boring...
The long-awaited founding congress of Yegor Gaidar's Russia's
Choice party, now called the Party of Russia's Democratic Choice,
turned out to be the sleepiest affair of the summer. The biggest
coup of the two-day congress was to have two thirds the 1000
seats convention hall filled with the delegates and guests (the
delegates repeatedly congratulated each other for this momentous
accomplishment); and the congresses biggest joke was Gaidar's
ironic apology for proposing a rather cumbersome name for the
party, since the preferred words "liberal-democratic"
had already been hijacked by Zhirinovsky's bunch. The people who
presided over the congress, bankers and regional politicians
whose constituencies had benefited from Gaidar's economic
reforms, belonged to the generation of the new Russians, sober,
calculating and deliberate. No firebrands, they see politics as a
serious business, and party building, as a political franchise
open to all who are willing to hawk their socio-economic product
to the local constituencies. In the presence of these politicians
of the new type, even the passionate speeches from the dissident
old guard, who welcomed the birth of the democratic party,
sounded muffled and slightly embarrassing -- a blast from the
past, the democrats' finest hour on the barricades of August
1991. That noble political generation has now been swept aside,
swallowing the indignity of the acquittal of General Valentin Varennikov, one of the organizers of the abortive putsch.
If there is one political issue that still elicits a lively
response, it is the problem of crime -- whether organized or
disorganized does not matter. The sound of small arms fire in
Moscow's residential neighborhoods has become the city's eine
kleine Nacht Musik. Much of the violence involves criminal gangs
fighting for their turf, but ample and graphic crime reporting, a
few highly visible assassinations of prominent bankers, a hand
grenade tossed through a window of a bank in central Moscow have
all had their chilling effect on the city. According to the
government statistics, so far unchallenged, crime syndicates have
penetrated 80% of all enterprises in Russia, with 50% of private
business owned by then in part or outright. Compared with the
organized crime syndicate, known as the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union, which held a monopoly on racket for some seventy
years, these figures should sound encouraging. But with the
Soviet Union long gone, they elicit legitimate concern both in
the government and among the public.
Yeltsin's June decree on fighting against this scourge was met
by opposition coming both from his allies among the democrats and
his foes on the right. The democrats protested the violation of
the habeas corpus, guaranteed by the new Constitution; the
Communists and the ultra-nationalists protested that the decree
had not gone far enough to turn Russian into a one-stop police
state. In the end, the Duma failed to muster enough votes to
suspend Yeltsin's decree. At long last, the President has found
himself in the middle and close to the center of political
gravity. And it is precisely this middle and rather low ground
that the two most likely candidates for President in 1996 -- the
Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and Moscow's Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, both recognizable as tough merchant capitalist types
from the turn-of-the-century Russian painting -- have been
fighting for in anticipation of 1996. Yeltsin's crime-fighting
decree has provided for increased street patrols by the highly
visible Special Police Force (OMON), who, flack-jacketed and
armed to the teeth, stroll along the busy sidewalk and stop cars
at intersection. Their presence alone should give Muscovites a
better sense of security. And while this parade of government
force goes on, the wheeling and dealing of the new Russia will
continue unabated.
Whatever show fills the stage of the country's political
theater, whatever the reaction of the audience at home or abroad,
the business of Russia today is and for the foreseeable future
will continue to be -- mind you, nothing personal -- strictly
Moscow-Berkeley, June-August 1994
Copyright (c) 1994 by Gregory Freidin