Tadashi Fukami is interested in understanding how the history of species arrival shapes the way ecological communities develop. He also studies traditional ecological knowledge and seeks to practice two-eyed seeing, especially in his role as Faculty Director of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma).

Fukami earned a Bachelor's degree at Waseda University, a Master's degree at the University of Tokyo, and his PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with James Drake and Daniel Simberloff. He was then a postdoctoral research fellow at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research in Aotearoa – New Zealand and Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa before joining the Stanford faculty in 2008.

Fukami grew up near Tokyo, but often visited his grandparents in the countryside in Wakayama. His exposure to nature there cultivated his interest in ecology, which was further reinforced by his high-school biology teacher, who talked about natural history around the school in every class. It was during his time in Aotearoa and Hawaiʻi that he was introduced to Indigenous science.

For more, listen to the Mushroom Hour interview released on 9 June 2022.


Faculty Director, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma), Stanford University, 2023-present

Professor, Departments of Biology and Earth System Science, Stanford University, 2022-present

Professor, Department of Biology, Stanford University, 2021-2022

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Stanford University, 2015-2020

Project Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, 2020

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Stanford University, 2008-2015

Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2006-2008

Postdoctoral Fellow, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, New Zealand, 2003-2005

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Tokyo, 2005

Visiting researcher, Centre for Terrestrial Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, 2004

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Univeresity of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1998-2003


Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2003

Master's degree, University of Tokyo, 1998

Bachelor's degree, Waseda University, 1996

Exchange student, Lawrence University, 1993-1994

Awards and honors

Distinguished Naturalist Award, American Society of Naturalists, 2022 (award ceremony video)

Ecological Society of America Fellow, 2019

Presidential Award, American Society of Naturalists, 2019 (award ceremony video)

Outstanding Ecological Theory Paper Award, Ecological Society of America Theoretical Ecology Section, 2017

Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching, Stanford University, 2015

Science Prize for Inquiry-Based Instruction, Science, 2013

CAREER award, National Science Foundation, 2012

Terman Fellowship, Stanford University, 2010

Denzaburo Miyadi Award, Ecological Society of Japan, 2005

Research support

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), "Mechanisms and Quantification of Priority Effects working group," 2021-2023

National Science Foundation, "Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Assembly and function of nectar microbial communities," 2017-2022

National Science Foundation, "OPUS: Historical contingency in community assembly," 2016-2018

National Science Foundation, "Dissertation research: species pool influences on the structure and function of fungal symbiont communities," 2016-2017 (awarded to Devin Leopold)

National Science Foundation, "CAREER: community assembly of nectar-inhabiting microbes," 2012-2017

National Science Foundation, "Dissertation research: metabolic bet hedging as an explanation for maintenance of diverse tree-ectomycorrhizal mutualisms," 2012-2014 (awarded to Holly Moeller)

National Science Foundation, "Collaborative research:  interactive effects of predation and ecosystem size on arthropod food webs in Hawaiian forests fragmented by lava flows," 2010-2016

National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, "Dissertation research: regulation of species diversity by assembly history in ecological communities," 2002-2003

Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand, "Do priority effects explain contrasting lineage diversification on islands?" 2013-2016 (received as co-PI)

Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand, "Assembly history as a regulator of ecosystem functioning: a test with fungal communities," 2006-2009

Terman Fellowship, Stanford University, 2010-2013

Select seminar invitations

Inviations by graduate students
Peter & Rosemary Grant Lecture in Evolutionary Biology, University of Zurich, 2016

Keynote speaker, 12th Annual University of Michigan Early Career Scientists Symposium, 2016


Executive Council, American Society of Naturalists, 2019-2021 as Secretary, 2022-2024 as Past Secretary

Advisory Board, Trends in Ecology & Evolutoin, 2021-present

Board of Reviewing Editors, PNAS Nexus, 2023-present

Editorial board, Ecology and Ecological Monographs, 2021-present

Editorial board, Ecology Letters, 2007-2021

Editorial board, Oikos, 2006-2010, 2016-2021

Editorial board, PLoS ONE, 2013-2016

Guest editor, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 2012 issue

Member, ESA Fellows & Early Career Fellows selection subcommittee, 2020-2022

Member, ESA William S. Cooper Award selection subcommittee, 2014-2016

Review panelist, National Science Foundation, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020

Review panelist, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Science Foundation), for Jena Experiment, 2010

Manuscript reviewer, American Journal of Botany, American Naturalist, Annals of Botany, Applied Soil Ecology, Biological Invasions, BioScience, Diversity and Distributions, Ecological Modelling, Ecological Research, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Ecosystems, Environmental Microbiology, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Functional Ecology, Fungal Ecology, Global Change Biology, ISME Journal, Japanese Journal of Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Microbial Ecology, Molecular Ecology, Nature, Nature Ecology & Evolution, New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Oecologia, Oikos, Population Ecology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Quarterly Review of Biology, Restoration Ecology, Science, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Yeast, 1998-present

Proposal reviewer, German Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, National Geographic Society, US National Science Foundation, 2004-present