MgtEcon 342: Business and Macroeconomics
in Today's Global Economy (Spring 2015)

  Chad Jones

 Stanford University, Graduate School of Business


Just as you only really learn to speak a foreign language through immersion, the best way to grasp macroeconomics is to use it intensively! In this class, there will be a new topic for each weekly meeting that I will choose only days in advance to ensure timeliness. In other words, this class uses real-time current events to help us study macroeconomics. Some examples of topics might be "The Rise and Decline of Quantitative Easing" or "Asian Growth Prospects over the Next Decade" or “Is the European Crisis Returning?”

Students will divide into small groups and undertake research on a narrow question of their own choosing related to the general topic. Each group will then write a 400-word blog entry to be posted on a (private) class blog at least 24 hours before class meets. Over the following day, students will read each others' blog posts. Finally, we’ll meet together at the end of the week and each group will lead a class discussion of their findings for 15 minutes. Groups will inevitably report on different facets of the weekly topic, and through our class discussion, we’ll all learn a great deal.

So who is this class intended for? To get the most out of the class, you really need some prior training in macroeconomics, for example either in an undergraduate class or by having taken MgtEcon 300: Growth and Stabilization in the Global Economy.

Thanks very much and I hope to see you in class!


Here is a preliminary draft of the syllabus. There will likely be some minor changes before the class begins.

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