A Fal Doon
by Brian Kunde
I’m nae in peace today
how sound I’m put together,
assured of hell to pay
an boon there hell for leather.
With little good to say,
come sun or sully weather,
gone in the fallin way—
knockt nilly of a feather.

Condemned of my own cal
an shore of inhibition,
doon Heaven’s bluff I fal,
to plummet to perdition,
a-choke on my own gall,
of piteous condition.
I fal, I fal, I fal
in piteous condition.

Unfootedly I tup
an doon through tempest gyre,
from pinnacle, abrupt
I’m casten to the fire.
Oh who shal raise me up—
up out this pit so dire,
as shaky and corrupt,
bog-mudded in the mire?

In spirit bounden free,
by thought bond doon beloe;
without one pays the fee,
ne’r will to Hea’n hee goe.
Without one pays his fee,
ne’r back to Hea’n wilt goe.
* * * * *

A Fal Doon

from Unadulterated Delights : Poems, 1st ed., Jul. 2016.

1st web edition posted 1/10/2017.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 2016-2017 by Brian Kunde.