Paperless Society
by Brian Kunde
In the paperless world
The books are on computer,
Magazines, the Internet,
And letters on email.
There is no paper in the
Paperless society.

In the paperless world
Air dryers sub for towels,
Phone messagers take memos,
And Etch-a-Sketches drawings.
There is no paper in the
Paperless society.

Lap-tops produce school papers.
Toilet paper, paper hats,
Origami, paper planes,
All these are things of the past.
There is no paper in the
Paperless society.

The paper mills stop business.
Libraries all shutter up.
There's no more need of paper.
Yes, we’re phasing flora out.
Fauna next. And humans? Soon.
Tech's in! Who needs organics?

Yes, a paperless world
Can have no more need of plants,
No more need of animals,
And no more need of people.
Just electronics for the
Paperless society.
* * * * *

Paperless Society

from Bibliotec(hnic)a : Poems, Sep. 24, 2013.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, v. 5, no. 13, Apr. 5, 1996.

1st web edition posted 5/15/2014.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1996-2014 by Brian Kunde.