Back to Work
by Brian Kunde
Vacation’s over: now it’s back to work,
To labor at such labor as they send us,
Which multiplied, to bide, and hide, and lurk
In wait for us. The impact is stupendous.
Where could it all have come from? I confess
I wonder, but I haven’t any clue
As to the antecedents of this mess,
Which welcomeless winged in for us to do.
The reason makes no difference, I suppose,
However; wherefore ever it has come,
We have to deal with it. Heaven knows
Just how, but now we must, so hand me some.
While we were out, our desks got inundated:
A lengthy dig is plainly indicated.
* * * * *

Back to Work

from Bibliotec(hnic)a : Poems, Sep. 24, 2013.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, v. 3, no. 12, Mar. 25, 1994.

1st web edition posted 5/15/2014.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1994-2014 by Brian Kunde.