Borrower Blues
by Brian Kunde
This book’s off in storage,
that one’s in transit.
This one’s here, but checked out.
That one’s simply gone.
I’m just out of luck;
project’s nearly due.
Can’t complete it, now.
Got the borrower blues.

Portal jockey stops me
’cause I’ve lost my card.
Can’t get in my locker —
combination’s lost.
I’m plain out of luck;
project’s due today.
Can’t complete it, now.
Got the borrower blues.

Can’t check out that thesis
I need to consult
Till I bring the one back
lost a month ago.
I’m shit-out-of-luck;
project’s over-due.
Can’t complete it, now.
Got the can’t hack it,
hard case, no good, dead-beat,
bummed out, borrower —
* * * * *

Borrower Blues

from Bibliotec(hnic)a : Poems, Sep. 24, 2013.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 5, no. 5, Feb. 9, 1996.

1st web edition posted 5/14/2014.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1996-2014 by Brian Kunde.