Notice to Patrons
by Brian Kunde
To any who could use a book;
They’re here, so come and read ’em.
It’s sort of silly not to — look:
We’ve got ’em, and you need ’em.

Materials for you are here;
Just enter and peruse ’em.
Unsure of which are best? No fear!
Our staff can help you choose ’em.

If you would exercise your mind,
And not let it get dated,
Then step right in. You might just find
You leave more educated.

And studying’s the way to do it;
Libraries, the spot to;
To stint your noggin is to screw it
Up, and so you’ve got to.

If you’re afraid our terms are strict,
You sorely misconstrue ’em:
Not finished with the books you’ve picked
When due? Then just renew ’em.

So come on in: to find a book,
Your very best recourse is
To try what many overlook:
The library’s resources.
* * * * *

Notice to Patrons

from Bibliotec(hnic)a : Poems, Sep. 24, 2013.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, v. 2, no. 39, Oct. 1, 1993,
as “To Students Who Could Use a Book.”

1st web edition posted 9/27/2013.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1993-2013 by Brian Kunde.