by Brian Kunde
We went to walk last weekend—fate
And clouds did not cooperate.
The sunbathers were thwarted, too,
By lack of sun or heavens blue,
As was the street fair held that date
On California Avenue,
Which suffered from the common fate
That overtook the other two.

The storm clouds wandered in, and massed,
Consigning sunshine to the past,
And wrung themselves till they were dry,
To drench each gal and every guy
Enrolled within the festive cast,
As if intending to deny
The rights of those beneath them massed
To wander similarly dry.

The drought is over—that’s for sure:
A deluge we must now endure.
Though spring is waning, we are yet
Beset by rainy days. How wet
Must we become before a cure
Concludes the soggy days that fret
Festivities like these? There sure
Seems little promise of it yet.
* * * * *

(A Stanford Garland ; 5)

from A Stanford Garland and Other Verses, Sep. 2007.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 4, no. 20, May 19, 1995, as “Rained Out.”

1st web edition posted 12/29/1995.
2nd web edition posted 9/4/2007.
This page last updated 9/4/2007.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1995-2007 by Brian Kunde.