Alternative Rankings. A. Rank Averaging.
As noted in
the explanation of the ranking system, the method I adopted to re-rank the titles
from the sources exaggerates the scores of works that appear in more than one --
a feature I felt justified as a reward for such multiple appearances. For those who
prefer that the rankings of the sources be reflected more faithfully, this alternative
ranking system eliminates such exaggeration. An explanation of the alternative method
- First, the rankings of each title as given in
each source list were totaled.
- Second, each title's total was divided by the
number of sources it appeared in, to determine its average ranking in the sources.
- Finally, the works were re-ranked
in the order of their average rankings. In cases where
two or more works ended up with the same average ranking, the
work(s) appearing in the most sources are ranked first. Works that
both share the same number of points and appear
in the same number of sources are ranked alphabetically by author
and title.
The main strength of this method is that it preserves
the relative standing each title had in the source lists. Its main defect is that it
treats works all sources rate among the "best" no differently than those only one source
elevates to that distinction, essentially favoring eccentic choices over consensus ones.
Thus a work appearing in one source only can "beat out"
one appearing in all the rest, assuming its single source rated it higher than the
average rank the others gave its competitor. When this sort of thing can happen, there
is something seriously amiss. Another result of using this method is that titles ranked low in
the sources tend to rank even lower in the combined list, even though their relative
standings in comparison to other titles are preserved -- because the combined list has
a greater number of titles on it than any of the source lists contributing to it,
several titles tend to "compete" for the same rank, forcing those "losing" the
contest lower in ultimate rank than their average ranks. For example, T. H. White's
The Once and Future King, with an average rank of 100, ends up with an "actual"
rank of 200!
In this re-ranking the "points" column provides the
average rank of a title, and the "rank" column its actual rank after completion of the
re-ranking. The column key will explain the information
provided on each work in the remaining columns.
The Composite List in the Alternative Ranking.
K |
L | M
| R |
App. |
Points |
Rank |
Author |
Title |
Date |
| L-001
| | R-004
| 3 |
002 |
001 |
Lee, Harper
| To Kill a Mockingbird
| 1960
| L-013
| M-002
| R-001
| 4 |
004.75 |
002 |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
| Great Gatsby, The
| 1925
| L-006
| | R-005
| 3 |
006.33 |
003 |
Walker, Alice
| Color Purple, The
| 1982
| L-005
| | R-007
| 3 |
007 |
004 |
Morrison, Toni
| Beloved
| 1987
| L-007
| M-013
| R-009
| 4 |
008.75 |
005 |
Orwell, George
| Nineteen Eighty Four
| 1949
| L-010
| M-007
| R-015
| 4 |
009.25 |
006 |
Heller, Joseph
| Catch-22
| 1961
| L-020
| M-010
| R-003
| 4 |
009.25 |
007 |
Steinbeck, John
| Grapes of Wrath, The
| 1939
| | M-012
| | 1
| 012
| 008
| Butler, Samuel
| Way of All Flesh, The
| 1903
| L-004
| | R-026
| 3 |
012.33 |
009 |
Mitchell, Margaret
| Gone With the Wind
| 1936
| | | | 1
| 015
| 010
| Toole, John K.
| Confederacy of Dunces, A
| 1980
| L-017
| M-004
| R-011
| 4 |
015.75 |
011 |
Nabokov, Vladimir
| Lolita
| 1955
| L-011
| | | 2
| 016
| 012
| Buck, Pearl S.
| Good Earth, The
| 1931
| L-016
| | | 1
| 016
| 013
| McMurtry, Larry
| Lonesome Dove
| 1986
| L-044
| M-001
| R-006
| 4 |
017.25 |
014 |
Joyce, James
| Ulysses
| 1922
| L-008
| M-031
| R-017
| 4 |
017.25 |
015 |
Orwell, George
| Animal Farm
| 1945
| L-009
| M-041
| R-008
| 4 |
017.5 |
016 |
Golding, William
| Lord of the Flies
| 1954
| L-002
| M-064
| R-002
| 4 |
017.5 |
017 |
Salinger, J. D.
| Catcher in the Rye, The
| 1951
| L-003
| | R-040
| 3 |
017.66 |
018 |
Tolkien, J. R. R.
| Lord of the Rings
| 1956
| L-012
| | R-013
| 3 |
019 |
019 |
White, E. B.
| Charlotte's Web
| 1952
| L-014
| M-018
| R-029
| 4 |
020.25 |
020 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
| Slaughterhouse Five
| 1969
| | M-021
| | 1
| 021
| 021
| Bellow, Saul
| Henderson the Rain King
| 1959
| L-041
| M-005
| R-016
| 4 |
021.5 |
022 |
Huxley, Aldous
| Brave New World
| 1932
| L-028
| M-019
| R-024
| 4 |
021.75 |
023 |
Ellison, Ralph
| Invisible Man
| 1952
| L-022
| | | 2
| 022
| 024
| Tolkien, J. R. R.
| Hobbit, The
| 1937
| | M-022
| | 1
| 022
| 025
| O'Hara, John
| Appointment at Samarra
| 1934
| L-018
| | | 2
| 022.5
| 026
| Bradbury, Ray
| Fahrenheit 451
| 1952
| L-047
| M-006
| R-010
| 4 |
023.25 |
027 |
Faulkner, William
| Sound and the Fury, The
| 1929
| L-036
| | | 2
| 026.5
| 028
| Atwood, Margaret
| Handmaid's Tale, The
| 1986
| | M-035
| R-019
| 2 |
027 |
029 |
Faulkner, William
| As I Lay Dying
| 1930
| L-040
| | | 2
| 027
| 030
| Heinlein, Robert A.
| Stranger in a Strange Land
| 1961
| L-053
| M-003
| R-014
| 4 |
027.75 |
031 |
Joyce, James
| Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A
| 1916
| L-034
| | R-022
| 2 |
028 |
032 |
Milne, A. A.
| Winnie the Pooh
| 1926
| L-029
| | | 1
| 029
| 033
| Uris, Leon
| Exodus
| 1957
| L-045
| M-045
| R-018
| 4 |
031.75 |
034 |
Hemingway, Ernest
| Sun Also Rises, The
| 1926
| L-032
| | | 1
| 032
| 035
| Wilder, Laura Ingalls
| Little House on the Prairie
| 1935
| | | | 1
| 033
| 036
| Allison, Dorothy
| Bastard Out of Carolina
| 1992
| L-031
| M-020
| R-027
| 4 |
033.5 |
037 |
Wright, Richard
| Native Son
| 1940
| | M-034
| | 1
| 034
| 038
| Waugh, Evelyn
| Handful of Dust, A
| 1934
| | | | 1
| 036
| 039
| Shaara, Michael
| Killer Angels, The
| 1974
| | M-009
| R-064
| 2 |
036.5 |
040 |
Lawrence, D. H.
| Sons and Lovers
| 1913
| L-025
| | R-051
| 3 |
036.66 |
041 |
Cather, Willa
| My Antonia
| 1918
| L-039
| M-055
| R-031
| 4 |
037 |
042 |
Kerouac, Jack
| On the Road
| 1957
| L-060
| M-015
| R-034
| 4 |
037 |
043 |
Woolf, Virginia
| To the Lighthouse
| 1927
| | | | 1
| 037
| 044
| Proulx, E. Annie
| Shipping News, The
| 1993
| L-078
| | R-023
| 3 |
037.33 |
045 |
Hurston, Zora Neale
| Their Eyes Were Watching God
| 1937
| | M-039
| R-036
| 2 |
037.5 |
046 |
Baldwin, James
| Go Tell It on the Mountain
| 1953
| L-027
| | R-048
| 2 |
037.5 |
047 |
Lawrence, D. H.
| Lady Chatterley's Lover
| 1928
| L-050
| | R-025
| 2 |
037.5 |
048 |
Morrison, Toni
| Song of Solomon
| 1977
| L-026
| | R-032
| 3 |
037.66 |
049 |
Hemingway, Ernest
| Old Man and the Sea, The
| 1952
| L-019
| | R-071
| 3 |
039.33 |
050 |
Du Maurier, Daphne
| Rebecca
| 1938
| L-035
| | R-045
| 2 |
040 |
051 |
Sinclair, Upton
| Jungle, The
| 1906
| | M-040
| | 1
| 040
| 052
| Greene, Graham
| Heart of the Matter, The
| 1948
| L-021
| | | 2
| 040.5
| 053
| Smith, Betty
| Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A
| 1947
| | | R-041
| 1 |
041 |
054 |
Keneally, Thomas
| Schindler's List
| 1982
| L-059
| M-024
| | 2
| 041.5
| 055
| Anderson, Sherwood
| Winesburg, Ohio
| 1919
| | M-042
| | 1
| 042
| 056
| Dickey, James
| Deliverance
| 1970
| L-037
| M-058
| R-042
| 4 |
043 |
057 |
Wharton, Edith
| Age of Innocence, The
| 1920
| | | | 1
| 043
| 058
| Guterson, David
| Snow Falling on Cedars
| 1994
| | M-043
| | 1
| 043
| 059
| Powell, Anthony
| Dance to the Music of Time, A (series)
| 1951/75
| | | | 1
| 044
| 060
| Adams, Richard
| Watership Down
| 1972
| | M-044
| | 1
| 044
| 061
| Huxley, Aldous
| Point Counter Point
| 1928
| L-061
| | R-037
| 3 |
045.33 |
062 |
Irving, John
| World According to Garp, The
| 1978
| L-033
| M-074
| R-020
| 4 |
046.0 |
063 |
Hemingway, Ernest
| Farewell to Arms, A
| 1929
| | M-046
| | 1
| 046
| 064
| Conrad, Joseph
| Secret Agent, The
| 1907
| | | R-046
| 1 |
046 |
065 |
Woolf, Virginia
| Mrs. Dalloway
| 1925
| L-056
| | R-060
| 3 |
047 |
066 |
Wharton, Edith
| Ethan Frome
| 1911
| | M-047
| | 1
| 047
| 067
| Conrad, Joseph
| Nostromo
| 1904
| | M-026
| R-069
| 2 |
047.5 |
068 |
James, Henry
| Wings of the Dove, The
| 1902
| | M-048
| | 1
| 048
| 069
| Lawrence, D. H.
| Rainbow, The
| 1915
| L-023
| | R-028
| 3 |
048.66 |
070 |
Kesey, Ken
| One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
| 1962
| | | R-030
| 2 |
049 |
071 |
Hemingway, Ernest
| For Whom the Bell Tolls
| 1940
| L-049
| | | 1
| 049
| 072
| Shields, Carol
| Stone Diaries
| 1994
| L-024
| M-076
| | 2
| 050
| 073
| Spark, Muriel
| Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The
| 1962
| | | | 1
| 050
| 074
| Irving, John
| Prayer for Owen Meany, A
| 1989
| | M-028
| R-062
| 3 |
052 |
075 |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
| Tender is the Night
| 1934
| | M-016
| R-088
| 2 |
052 |
076 |
Dreiser, Theodore
| American Tragedy, An
| 1925
| L-052
| | | 1
| 052
| 077
| Haley, Alex
| Roots
| 1976
| L-075
| M-025
| R-059
| 3 |
053 |
078 |
Forster, E. M.
| Passage to India, A
| 1924
| | M-053
| | 1
| 053
| 079
| Nabokov, Vladimir
| Pale Fire
| 1962
| L-077
| M-030
| | 2
| 053.5
| 080
| Ford, Ford Madox
| Good Soldier, The
| 1915
| | | R-054
| 1 |
054 |
081 |
Salinger, J. D.
| Franny and Zooey
| 1961
| L-062
| | R-047
| 2 |
054.5 |
082 |
Baum, L. Frank
| Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The
| 1900
| L-055
| | | 1
| 055
| 083
| Porter, Katherine Anne
| Pale Horse, Pale Rider
| 1939
| | | R-055
| 1 |
055 |
084 |
Rushdie, Salman
| Satanic Verses, The
| 1988
| L-058
| M-065
| R-049
| 4 |
055.25 |
085 |
Burgess, Anthony
| Clockwork Orange, A
| 1962
| L-109
| | R-012
| 3 |
055.66 |
086 |
Steinbeck, John
| Of Mice and Men
| 1937
| L-094
| M-036
| R-038
| 3 |
056 |
087 |
Warren, Robert Penn
| All the King's Men
| 1946
| | | R-056
| 1 |
056 |
088 |
Morrison, Toni
| Jazz
| 1992
| | M-057
| | 1
| 057
| 089
| Ford, Ford Madox
| Parade's End
| 1924/28
| L-067
| M-088
| R-033
| 4 |
057.5 |
090 |
London, Jack
| Call of the Wild, The
| 1903
| | M-038
| R-052
| 3 |
058 |
091 |
Forster, E. M.
| Howard's End
| 1910
| L-051
| | | 2
| 058
| 092
| Tan, Amy
| Joy Luck Club, The
| 1989
| | | R-058
| 1 |
058 |
093 |
Faulkner, William
| Absalom, Absalom!
| 1936
| | | | 1
| 059
| 094
| Archer, Jeffrey
| Kane and Abel
| 1980
| | M-059
| | 1
| 059
| 095
| Beerbohm, Max
| Zuleika Dobson
| 1911
| L-086
| M-033
| | 2
| 059.5
| 096
| Dreiser, Theodore
| Sister Carrie
| 1900
| L-092
| M-067
| R-021
| 3 |
060 |
097 |
Conrad, Joseph
| Heart of Darkness
| 1902
| L-097
| M-023
| | 2
| 060
| 098
| Dos Passos, John
| U.S.A. (trilogy)
| 1930/37
| L-070
| M-014
| | 3
| 060.33
| 099
| Graves, Robert
| I, Claudius
| 1934
| | M-077
| R-044
| 2 |
060.5 |
100 |
Joyce, James
| Finnegans Wake
| 1939
| L-030
| M-096
| R-057
| 3 |
061 |
101 |
Styron, William
| Sophie's Choice
| 1979
| | M-054
| R-068
| 2 |
061 |
102 |
Faulkner, William
| Light in August
| 1932
| L-042
| M-082
| | 2
| 062
| 103
| Stegner, Wallace
| Angle of Repose
| 1971
| L-063
| | | 1
| 063
| 104
| Lewis, C. S.
| Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The
| 1950
| | | R-063
| 1 |
063 |
105 |
Woolf, Virginia
| Orlando
| 1928
| L-065
| | R-043
| 3 |
063.33 |
106 |
Rand, Ayn
| Fountainhead, The
| 1943
| | M-069
| | 2
| 063.5
| 107
| Wharton, Edith
| House of Mirth, The
| 1905
| L-064
| | | 1
| 064
| 108
| Doyle, Arthur Conan
| Hound of the Baskervilles, The
| 1902
| L-054
| | R-076
| 2 |
065 |
109 |
Wolfe, Thomas
| Look Homeward, Angel
| 1929
| | | R-065
| 1 |
065 |
110 |
Wolfe, Tom
| Bonfire of the Vanities
| 1987
| L-103
| | | 2
| 066
| 111
| Lessing, Doris
| Golden Notebook, The
| 1962
| | | R-092
| 2 |
066 |
112 |
Rand, Ayn
| Atlas Shrugged
| 1957
| L-080
| M-052
| | 2
| 066
| 113
| Roth, Philip
| Portnoy's Complaint
| 1969
| L-066
| | | 1
| 066
| 114
| Gordimer, Nadine
| Burger's Daughter, The
| 1979
| L-071
| M-062
| | 2
| 066.5
| 115
| Jones, James
| From Here to Eternity
| 1951
| L-107
| M-027
| | 2
| 067
| 116
| James, Henry
| Ambassadors, The
| 1903
| L-102
| M-032
| | 2
| 067
| 117
| James, Henry
| Golden Bowl, The
| 1904
| | | R-067
| 1 |
067 |
118 |
Knowles, John
| Separate Peace, A
| 1959
| L-084
| | | 2
| 068
| 119
| Kingsolver, Barbara
| Bean Trees, The
| 1988
| L-076
| | | 2
| 069
| 120
| Clarke, Arthur C.
| 2001: A Space Odyssey
| 1968
| L-069
| | | 1
| 069
| 121
| Bradley, Marion Zimmer
| Mists of Avalon, The
| 1983
| | | | 1
| 069
| 122
| Gibbons, Kaye
| Ellen Foster
| 1987
| | | | 1
| 070
| 123
| Burns, Olive-Ann
| Cold Sassy Tree
| 1984
| | M-070
| | 1
| 070
| 124
| Durrell, Lawrence
| Alexandria Quartet, The
| 1957/60
| L-048
| | | 2
| 071
| 125
| Byatt, A. S.
| Possession
| 1990
| L-131
| M-011
| | 2
| 071
| 126
| Lowry, Malcolm
| Under the Volcano
| 1947
| | M-071
| | 1
| 071
| 127
| Hughes, Richard
| High Wind in Jamaica, A
| 1929
| | | | 1
| 071
| 128
| Ishiguro, Kazuo
| Remains of the Day, The
| 1989
| | | R-072
| 1 |
072 |
129 |
Adams, Douglas
| Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
| 1979
| | M-072
| | 1
| 072
| 130
| Naipaul, V. S.
| House for Mr. Biswas, A
| 1961
| L-072
| | | 1
| 072
| 131
| Steinbeck, John
| East of Eden
| 1952
| | | | 1
| 072
| 132
| Wouk, Herman
| War and Remembrance
| 1978
| L-095
| M-049
| R-075
| 3 |
073 |
133 |
Lawrence, D. H.
| Women in Love
| 1920
| L-073
| | | 1
| 073
| 134
| Paton, Alan
| Cry, the Beloved Country
| 1948
| | M-073
| | 1
| 073
| 135
| West, Nathanael
| Day of the Locust, The
| 1939
| L-087
| | R-061
| 2 |
074 |
136 |
O'Connor, Flannery
| Good Man is Hard to Find, A
| 1955
| L-074
| | | 1
| 074
| 137
| Drury, Allen
| Advise and Consent
| 1959
| | | | 1
| 074
| 138
| Michener, James A.
| Centennial
| 1974
| | M-075
| | 1
| 075
| 139
| Waugh, Evelyn
| Scoop
| 1938
| L-038
| | R-097
| 3 |
075.66 |
140 |
Updike, John
| Rabbit, Run
| 1960
| L-124
| M-079
| R-039
| 4 |
075.75 |
141 |
Forster, E. M.
| Room With a View, A
| 1908
| | | | 1
| 078
| 142
| Morrison, Toni
| Sula
| 1973
| L-091
| M-066
| | 2
| 078.5
| 143
| Maugham, W. Somerset
| Of Human Bondage
| 1915
| L-101
| M-056
| R-079
| 3 |
078.66 |
144 |
Hammett, Dashiell
| Maltese Falcon, The
| 1930
| | | R-073
| 2 |
079 |
145 |
Burroughs, William S.
| Naked Lunch
| 1959
| | | | 1
| 079
| 146
| King, Stephen
| Stand, The
| 1978
| L-142
| M-017
| | 2
| 079.5
| 147
| McCullers, Carson
| Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The
| 1940
| | | | 1
| 080
| 148
| Finney, Jack
| Time and Again
| 1970
| L-110
| M-051
| R-080
| 3 |
080.33 |
149 |
Mailer, Norman
| Naked and the Dead, The
| 1948
| | M-081
| | 1
| 081
| 150
| Bellow, Saul
| Adventures of Augie March, The
| 1953
| L-115
| | | 2
| 081.5
| 151
| Herbert, Frank
| Dune
| 1965
| | | R-083
| 1 |
083 |
152 |
Cather, Willa
| O Pioneers!
| 1913
| L-083
| | | 1
| 083
| 153
| Morrison, Toni
| Bluest Eye, The
| 1969
| | M-083
| | 1
| 083
| 154
| Naipaul, V. S.
| Bend in the River, A
| 1979
| | M-084
| | 1
| 084
| 155
| Bowen, Elizabeth
| Death of the Heart, The
| 1938
| L-079
| | R-090
| 2 |
084.5 |
156 |
Graham, Kenneth
| Wind in the Willows, The
| 1908
| L-085
| | | 1
| 085
| 157
| Burroughs, Edgar Rice
| Tarzan of the Apes
| 1914
| | M-085
| R-086
| 2 |
085.5 |
158 |
Conrad, Joseph
| Lord Jim
| 1900
| | | | 1
| 086
| 159
| McCullough, Colleen
| Thorn Birds, The
| 1977
| | M-078
| R-095
| 2 |
086.5 |
160 |
Kipling, Rudyard
| Kim
| 1901
| | M-087
| | 1
| 087
| 161
| Bennett, Arnold
| Old Wives' Tale, The
| 1908
| L-089
| M-086
| | 2
| 087.5
| 162
| Doctorow, E. L.
| Ragtime
| 1975
| | M-068
| R-099
| 3 |
087.66 |
163 |
Lewis, Sinclair
| Main Street
| 1920
| | | | 1
| 088
| 164
| Carr, Caleb
| Alienist, The
| 1994
| L-132
| M-050
| R-084
| 3 |
088.66 |
165 |
Miller, Henry
| Tropic of Cancer
| 1934
| L-127
| M-094
| R-081
| 4 |
088.75 |
166 |
Rhys, Jean
| Wide Sargasso Sea
| 1966
| L-117
| M-061
| R-089
| 3 |
089 |
167 |
Cather, Willa
| Death Comes for the Archbishop
| 1927
| | | | 1
| 089
| 168
| Berg, Elizabeth
| Talk Before Sleep
| 1994
| | M-089
| | 1
| 089
| 169
| Green, Henry
| Loving
| 1945
| L-150
| M-029
| | 2
| 089.5
| 170
| Farrell, James T.
| Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy
| 1932/35
| L-090
| | | 1
| 090
| 171
| Guest, Judith
| Ordinary People
| 1976
| | | | 1
| 090
| 172
| Pilcher, Rosamunde
| Shell Seekers, The
| 1987
| L-128
| | R-082
| 3 |
091 |
173 |
DeLillo, Don
| White Noise
| 1985
| L-119
| M-080
| R-074
| 3 |
091 |
174 |
Waugh, Evelyn
| Brideshead Revisited
| 1945
| | | | 1
| 091
| 175
| Brown, Rita Mae
| Rubyfruit Jungle
| 1973
| | M-091
| | 1
| 091
| 176
| Caldwell, Erskine
| Tobacco Road
| 1932
| | | R-091
| 1 |
091 |
177 |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
| This Side of Paradise
| 1920
| L-118
| | R-066
| 2 |
092 |
178 |
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
| Cat's Cradle
| 1963
| L-148
| M-037
| | 2
| 092.5
| 179
| Wilder, Thornton
| Bridge of San Luis Rey, The
| 1927
| | | | 1
| 093
| 180
| Conroy, Pat
| Prince of Tides, The
| 1986
| | | R-093
| 1 |
093 |
181 |
Fowles, John
| French Lieutenant's Woman, The
| 1969
| | M-093
| | 1
| 093
| 182
| Fowles, John
| Magus, The
| 1966
| L-093
| | R-094
| 2 |
093.5 |
183 |
Lewis, Sinclair
| Babbit
| 1922
| L-106
| | | 2
| 093.5
| 184
| Plath, Sylvia
| Bell Jar, The
| 1963
| L-123
| | | 2
| 093.5
| 185
| Smiley, Jane
| Thousand Acres, A
| 1991
| | M-090
| R-100
| 2 |
095 |
186 |
Rushdie, Salman
| Midnight's Children
| 1981
| | M-095
| | 1
| 095
| 187
| Murdoch, Iris
| Under the Net
| 1954
| | | R-096
| 1 |
096 |
188 |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
| Beautiful and Damned, The
| 1922
| L-096
| | | 1
| 096
| 189
| Price, Reynolds
| Kate Vaiden
| 1986
| L-130
| M-063
| | 2
| 096.5
| 190
| Cheever, John
| Wapshot Chronicle, The
| 1957
| | M-097
| | 1
| 097
| 191
| Bowles, Paul
| Sheltering Sky, The
| 1949
| L-136
| M-060
| | 2
| 098
| 192
| Percy, Walker
| Moviegoer, The
| 1961
| | M-098
| | 1
| 098
| 193
| Cain, James M.
| Postman Always Rings Twice, The
| 1934
| | | | 1
| 098
| 194
| de Bernieres, Louis
| Corelli's Mandolin
| 1994
| | | R-098
| 1 |
098 |
195 |
Forster, E. M.
| Where Angels Fear to Tread
| 1905
| L-099
| | | 1
| 099
| 196
| Agee, James
| Death in the Family, A
| 1957
| | M-099
| | 1
| 099
| 197
| Donleavy, J. P.
| Ginger Man, The
| 1955
| | | | 1
| 099
| 198
| Michener, James A.
| Hawaii
| 1959
| | M-100
| | 1
| 100
| 199
| Tarkington, Booth
| Magnificent Ambersons, The
| 1918
| L-100
| | | 1
| 100
| 200
| White, T. H.
| Once and Future King, The
| 1953
| L-129
| | | 2
| 101
| 201
| Sendak, Maurice
| Where the Wild Things Are
| 1963
| L-133
| | R-070
| 2 |
101.5 |
202 |
Achebe, Chinua
| Things Fall Apart
| 1959
| L-113
| M-092
| | 2
| 102.5
| 203
| Kennedy, William
| Ironweed
| 1983
| L-104
| | | 1
| 104
| 204
| Galsworthy, John
| Forsyte Saga, The
| 1922
| L-105
| | | 1
| 105
| 205
| Chandler, Raymond
| Big Sleep, The
| 1939
| L-141
| | | 2
| 108
| 206
| Roth, Henry
| Call It Sleep
| 1934
| L-112
| | | 1
| 112
| 207
| Trumbo, Dalton
| Johnny Got His Gun
| 1939
| L-143
| | | 2
| 113
| 208
| Puzo, Mario
| Godfather, The
| 1969
| L-114
| | | 1
| 114
| 209
| Oates, Joyce Carol
| Them
| 1969
| L-120
| | | 1
| 120
| 210
| Tyler, Anne
| Breathing Lessons
| 1988
| L-121
| | | 1
| 121
| 211
| Blume, Judy
| Are You There God, It's Me Margaret
| 1970
| L-122
| | | 1
| 122
| 212
| Tyler, Anne
| Accidental Tourist, The
| 1985
| L-125
| | | 1
| 125
| 213
| O'Connor, Flannery
| Wise Blood
| 1952
| L-134
| | | 1
| 134
| 214
| Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
| Yearling, The
| 1938
| L-135
| | | 1
| 135
| 215
| Wouk, Herman
| Winds of War, The
| 1971
| L-137
| | | 1
| 137
| 216
| Maugham, W. Somerset
| Razor's Edge, The
| 1944
| L-139
| | | 1
| 139
| 217
| Steinbeck, John
| Pearl, The
| 1947
| L-144
| | | 1
| 144
| 218
| Welty, Eudora
| Curtain of Green, A
| 1941
| L-145
| | | 1
| 145
| 219
| Greene, Graham
| End of the Affair, The
| 1951
| L-147
| | | 1
| 147
| 220
| Wouk, Herman
| Caine Mutiny, The
| 1951
| L-149
| | | 1
| 149
| 221
| Stone, Irving
| Agony and the Ecstasy, The
| 1961
1st web edition posted 2/26/99 (last updated 5/25/04).
2nd web edition posted 6/24/05 (last updated 12/4/13).
Please report any errors to the compiler.
Published by Fleabonnet Press.
The source list data is public domain.
Additional material © 1999-2013 by Brian Kunde.